So Im probably going to get some grief over this but it is a topic - TopicsExpress


So Im probably going to get some grief over this but it is a topic that needs to be addressed. As an event host and author, I am ashamed over this behavior. The Indie community operates in several different ways, and money is definitely a part of it. Sooooo.... There is lots of talks in how KU (Kindle Unlimited) is hurting sales so badly that authors are no longer able to attend certain events. While I cannot deny that sales are being affected, and financial obligations change, it does not negate professional behavior. Event hosts put thier personal credit and names on the line with the expectation of an author fufilling thier obligations to attend. Fans buy plane tickets and book hotel rooms based off of anticipated attendance. We get it, life happens and things come up. However, after months of hearing about authors pulling out of events because they dont like models, and now KU, you have every right to remove yourself from an event, that is your prerogative. What is wromg and unprofessional is letting someone promote you for months, and when it comes time to pay the invoice, you ignore them, or suddenly decide you no longer want to attend. Not only do the event hosts suffer, so do the readers. We are a community and professional behavior goes a long way. Please for the love of all things holy only commit to that which you can complete, and let others know when you are not able to meet that commitment as soon as possible so they can find a timely replacement, and readers are able to plan accordingly. Its just smart business sense. *end of PSA*
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 20:44:55 +0000

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