So Scotland stands at a crossroads; just like it did once before - TopicsExpress


So Scotland stands at a crossroads; just like it did once before in 1979. Do we stay (and enjoy new powers), like we were promised then, that never materialised - like these equally wont? Or do we go (like we wouldve done, back then), had reports not been hidden, and we were blatantly lied to (even allowing the dead to vote NO, from beyond the grave)... And all for whose benefit? Certainly not Scotland, which saw entire communities and industries swept away in the years that followed, yet we were always made to believe that somehow, we had suffered because of our own incompetence, rather than due to some political will or design. And all the time, despite this; the oil & gas kept flowing and allowing the UK to walk with the big-boys, and fund follies down south (where they would benefit), whilst we got the dubious benefit of housing nuclear missiles - again, paid for by us. Its strange to see the parallels of history repeating itself, when there are those who either CANNOT, or in some cases, WILL NOT, see that choosing the same outcome as before - is entirely the opposite of what we should be doing tomorrow... If we had left in 79, would Scotland be in the same situation with such a disparity and unfair distribution of wealth? Of course not. Would we be using money to protect our citizens from Westminster;s Bedroom Tax (amongst other taxes)? Again, hell no! In addition, would the remainder of the UK be in the shite? Highly unlikely, simply because Westminster wouldve had to cut its cloth to suit, and such vanity projects would never see the light of day. They would see that their growth would need to come from within, rather than be paid for by us. There is ONE REASON, and ONLY ONE REASON, why Cameron, Milliband and Clegg have made this Vow (which is deliberately very vague in what it offers) - its the revenue and profit they rely on and have from US. Without Scotland, Westminster really will need to face some cold hard facts of life about its policies and how they are funded. Anyone who believes this VOW, should also remember that Thatcher made a similar pledge, and look how well that went. It never even got air-time in the Commons or Lords (both of which will surely reject any such powers to us) - apart from the one about Holyrood taxing us further - THATS the one wed definitely get. Dont let history repeat itself, all that will happen is that we will become poorer, and more oil revenue is pissed against the wall. We may never get this chance again. Vote YES, for your generation, and those to come after you. The world NEEDS another voice, this one with a Scots accent.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 22:18:38 +0000

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