So Taylor Swift i the highest selling musician on Earth for the - TopicsExpress


So Taylor Swift i the highest selling musician on Earth for the year 2014. I. Do. Not. Get. It. I feel like I live in an episode of the Twilight zone. Shes not a good singer. She cannot dance at all. My personal taste does not find her very attractive, and of course these superficial things should mean nothing when judging a musician but Im just trying to wrap my brain around the phenomena that is her existence. I was never a Britney Spears fan but I at least understood her place in the world. It was catchy. Her songs would get lodged in your head, weather she wrote them or was autotuned to sound that way is beyond the point. Her music was undeniable catchy and her dance choreography/costumes were fun to watch. Taylor Swifts songs are so forgetable that Ive watched her music videos/live perfomances and still cant remember how the main hooks go (if there are any?). All I remember was laughing at how bad she was failing......only she was not failing at all, she was becoming the most successful musician on Earth right before my eyes. She makes other overproduced, talentless hacks in the industry look like Mozart. Everything she does can be described using the word average as the best possible adjective one could remotely summon without sounding like a complete idiot. WHY???? Why are people so tasteless with their music choices? Is it just Laziness? WHAT IS IT? Her songs make me cringe which induces tightness in the muscles in my back. So she physically hurts me with her recordings. Its worth noting that my eyes get sore of squinting judgmentally whenever I see a picture of her smug stupid smile as well.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:27:31 +0000

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