So…. This post is gonna make some people mad, because I know - TopicsExpress


So…. This post is gonna make some people mad, because I know there will be some who take it wrong; but I don’t mean it too belittle anyone at all; so if you get offended, you are missing the whole point & the fact that I include myself in this…. So here goes. What a difference we could make in our community if we, our youth, organizations, etc poured as much support, enthusiasm, passion & events into helping our homeless, hungry, food closets/pantries, neighbor familes in need, second harvest food bank, the elderly at nursing homes, elderly living alone, etc. I have seen hundreds of pics of & about Krispy Kreme & the excitement & worship of the opening of this place. Lots of effort, support, praise & enthusiasm….. all for a donut. And don’t forget the tons of passion, emotion & support of folks’s favorite teams on game days, etc. Boy has my news feed been flooded with extreme excitement & joy about Krispy Kreme & game days on each game day. Imagine if we could just shift some of that passion to helping people in our community. Don’t get me wrong; I am not saying it’s bad to have fun with game day & donuts, there’s nothing at all wrong with it. As a matter of fact, we all need something that gives us a break & fun in life; life is hard enough & we need stress relief & things that bring us joy; & for god’s sake, even I need a donut. My brother enjoys his football teams; he’s battling cancer & I see this as an outlet of passionate fun for him & I rejoice in that, but he shares that passion in helping other families & children. I rejoice in everyones excitement over whatever it may be. I take joy from your joy, if its sports, great, donuts, great; whatever is your joy, is my joy; please dont feel bad for posting your joy. But.... What I am saying here is: Our children watch us spend so much energy, time & oodles of money for our sports team colors of clothes & products, gather food & friends for game day & jump with screams of joy at a touch down. But will our children see us take our game colors, game clothes, food, etc, to a nursing home & share one happy game day with a lonely elderly person or with a disabled veteran? Will our children & others see a flooding of support for things like this on facebook & mainstream news? Organizations (youth & others) plan & organize events for the opening of a donut store, but would they for our soup kitchens, disabled veterans, salvation army, clothing & food closets/pantries, helping no kill animal shelters or local families in need? I havent seen that yet. How about we buy a couple of dozen of Krispy Kremes & share it with a homeless person walking the street or a disabled veteran neighbor & post our excitement & joy of doing that on facebook in hopes to get others excited about doing something similar? Or how about a group organizing, buying & taking dozens of Krispy Kremes to the salvation army or a soup kitchen & serve them face to face with the people who go hungry in our community…. and post that support & excitement of helping others on facebook? I’m sorry to say, I never see pictures of such things on facebook. If I do, it might be once a year or at christmas. It’s sad to see that we have no passion, support or excitement for helping & supporting those in need in our community. No…. you won’t see pictures of that on facebook, but you will see the newsfeed & the media be overly flooded with sports team colors & excitement for krispy kremes. As I watch the newsfeed be overjoyed with these things; I get multiple messages of local families with children (some that I have known my whole life) who have no food right now; who cannot provide nice clothes for their kids but are trying ever so hard; losing their homes, facing financial crisis & health issues that are astounding. Oh what could happen if we channeled some of that donut & sports teams energy into helping families that are in this shape, stray animals, soup kitchens, etc. So, I challenged myself, as I normally do….. to take a few dozen Krispy Kremes to a family who has no food…….. and share them with excitement, even if I might feel awkward. The family may not want their picture posted; but I sure am going to share my excitement in sharing my Krispy Kremes with a neighborhood family with their childrens smiling hungry faces looking at me who were in tears of embarrassment, but more so with joy....... teary eyed, just to have a dozen of fresh Krispy Kremes. No money, no donut, no sports team winning could bring more joy to my heart than sharing food with a hungry family. I suggest more folks to try it; we might find that we get addicted to helping others in need. We are so quick to post game day & donuts, but we arent so quick to helping others as part of our daily routine; whether it be people, animals or mother earth. We cant even get in our closets to pull out clothes we dont wear & share with a family who cant afford anything nice. We cant even gather our own boxes of food & put them on the door steps of families, elderly, disabled, vets, etc in need. What a human race we are. We think so little of others, when it only takes so little..... just to help. So.... anyways..... just some thoughts about what I observe from hundreds of posts on fb.... Im not dissing anyone or throwing down on anything out there, so please dont accuse me of it, thats not what Im getting at here. Most of all, notice that I say WE not you. Just sharing a vision; thats all. And for those who do help others & the fact that we have been taught not to tell about it; well I challenge that teaching.... I challenge you to post your excitement of it, so that we can get others excited too. And I challenge Krispy Kreme Doughnuts to provide fresh donuts to our soup kitchens, homeless & salvation army for just one day. ~tennille
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 15:48:14 +0000

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