So, a while back I was listening to Switchfoot Pandora station - TopicsExpress


So, a while back I was listening to Switchfoot Pandora station while I was running, the songs that come on relax me and have an uplifting positive feeling... and this song came on by Jason Gray called More Like Falling in Love...It stuck in my head ever since. And when I think of why, how I relate to this song, its how I feel about faith and compassion and kindness and love.... I think we limit ourselves, limit our capacity to care and show love and compassion to others. We think that we have to stay within our social class, our religious groups, the rules and lines are drawn between us, highlighting the ways that we are different rather than the ways in which we are the same. I trust in my own heart and feel the need to reach beyond those limits, to touch the hearts of as many people as I can. I will often push against the norms, what people expect of me. I am different. I wont say or do what people think I should because Im a woman, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a Mormon, a career woman, a domestic engineer, a student, a teacher, a friend. I follow my heart, I think and feel and react and take action and I give every ounce of what I can to the things that touch my heart. I believe that everyone has the capacity to show the same compassion if they choose to look beyond their own personal bubbles they have created for themselves. Push it, expand it, pop it, whatever you need to do to reach out beyond your comfort level. Just like falling in love, you have no idea where that love will take you but you love anyway, you give it everything youve got even though there is a chance you could break in the end. And regardless of how it ends, you grow. You learn. You get back up and look for love again better and wiser than before. Sometimes we find love in the wrong places or things, sometimes it hurts. But mostly, it sets us free and makes us feel alive, it gives us purpose. As the lyrics suggests... I need a truth that lives, moves, and breathes, to sweep me off my feet, its gotta be more like falling in love, than something to believe in, more like losing my heart, than pledging my allegiance, caught up, called out, now take a look at me now, its like Im falling, oh, its like Im falling in love....In more than a name, a faith, a has made the change in me. https://youtube/watch?v=JP7s_w3eLpg
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:40:26 +0000

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