So, finally its the D-day tomorrow in this part of the - TopicsExpress


So, finally its the D-day tomorrow in this part of the country. Shrill voices, empty rhetoric, charges and counter charges have all come to an end by and large. The unfortunate reality confronting us is that almost all major political parties are 3Cs -- corrupt, casteist and communal. Only the degree and shades seem to vary. This becomes obvious if we take into account the thousands of crores spent by each party as part of their campaign. The source of funds almost always is questionable to say the least. Every major party worth its salt has fielded candidates not based on their individual merits or their ability to serve their constituencies but purely on their caste, community or religion and its alignment with that of the majority voters in the respective constituencies. Given all this, where does this leave us with?! Obviously, we need to look at the least of evils, rather the best amongst the choices in front of us! Therefore, the question then is -- do we want status-quo and continuity of the incumbent for 5 more years or do we want a change of guard? Let us consider the accomplishments of the incumbent government over the last 2 terms objectively vis-a-vis what the challengers propose to offer. Stability, inclusive growth which touches large sections of the society - especially those at the bottom rungs, job creation, revival of the economy and a commitment to providing a relatively clean government (given that eliminating corruption altogether seems utopian under the present circumstances) seem like criteria we could go by. Of course, there are several other critical areas like national security, foreign policy, safeguarding our interests against hostile neighbors on the west, east and south and so on. Thus, if we were to apply the above criteria, hopefully it helps us in narrowing down our choice as to who we want to be our next prime minister and/or ruling party. So, here we go tomorrow to our respective polling booths to exercise our democratic right! All the best India - God save us or we save ourselves :-)
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 06:32:22 +0000

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