So here it goes! Ive never done anything like this before but i - TopicsExpress


So here it goes! Ive never done anything like this before but i thought it would be nice to put my thoughts out there and my everyday struggles and whatnot. And I would like to hear you alls as well. First off I would like to explain where I had started my journey. In April of 2012 I had come to a realiziation, I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT! And how did it come to me? Well im sure a lot of you have just hit that point where youre like yeahhhh no. I need to stop this. And Mine was actually pretty funny and embarassing as well. That day i had bought my son Dairy Queen. He got a burger and so did I. (of course lol) Well I ate my burger, my fries, and my large coke (of course again. haha) And a while later I asked Andy if he was done with his burger and he said yes and went to his room. Me, being really fat, decided to eat it. Why have a juicy burger go to waste? So I shoved it in my face. Five minutes later Andy comes walking back in and hes like mamma, wheres my burger?! Well, of course I had eaten it so he proceeded to cry. I had never felt so fat in my life!!! lol 247lbs. Horrible!! And as if the angels were watching me right then and there a weight watchers commerical came on so i was like yes i have to do something! I know, I know, not a beautiful story huh? Lol A lot of people have stories about health and a scary moment in their lives that made them change the way that eat, and mine was Dairy Queen. haha oh well. So after that I set my mind to it. I went to the gym daily, sometimes twice. I went to my meetings, and had motivators along the way. Maricela, Maricelda, Jackie, Reshell, and plenty of others cheering me on. I lost a total of 55 pounds. I was down to 192. Which a lot of you are like omg thats still so fat. Lol That was amazing for me! Especially since i hadnt been under 200 since God knows when. Well from there i quit. Dont ask me why. Maybe its because i became to comfortable? Maybe its because I was going throuh things in my marriage? I really cant tell you. I just quit. And because of that, a year and a half later I am back where I started. 247lbs. You have no idea how embarassing this is for me. And how even now, Im thinking about not posting this. But I MUST! I need to be accountable! I need people who love me to cheer me on. And I want to cheer people on as well. I am 26 years old and have an autoimmune disease, I cant be doing this to myself. WE cant be doing this to ourselves. Its an addiction. And as funny as that sounds. It really is. Food is an addiction. Over eating, Hating yourself the next day, looking in the mirror and not liking what you see. Telling yourself, Im beautiful, Im fine this way. Yet, you know you dont really believe that. Because in the end you arent really happy with yourself. Join me in this journey. Because this is a life long battle.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 00:44:46 +0000

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