So heres a little Phan Christmassy one shot for Myke for winning - TopicsExpress


So heres a little Phan Christmassy one shot for Myke for winning the YouTube Christmas Quiz!! I apologise for the suckiness and any spelling/grammar because its like the middle of the night (9:30pm) and Im super tired! *christmas eve* this is from Dans point of view) Id woken up at seven am for this to be perfect. Today was finally the day when I told Phil how I really felt about him. Id known him for the best part of five years and wed lived together for three of those years. I knew everything there was to know about him and he knew everything about me. Except one thing. I was madly in love with him. Id tried to suppress these feelings, Id tried going out with other people, Id tried ignoring it, but there was only one way I could truly get over this. By telling Phil. It could go one of two ways: he could tell me how he loved me as a friend, and then at least Id know for sure. Or he would tell me he loved me too, as more than a friend. Deep down I knew how unlikely that was, but it was worth a try. Id planned this whole surprise out carefully for my beautiful best friend, and was now feeling incredibly anxious about the outcome. I heard movements from the hallway and felt my heart pound against my Rib cage. Morning! Phil called cheerfully when he stepped into the lounge. Whats wrong? He asked, clocking my expression. Dont say anything, dont ask anything. Just watch I made him sit on the sofa and I switched the tv on. The only lights in the room were the soft glow of the tv screen and the romantic glitter of the fairy lights from our Christmas tree. Music played from the tv. A film of me playing the piano came onto the screen. It was a new piece Id learned, just for this moment. It was soft and romantic, and it had no words. Just like my love for Phil. Dan, whats- Dont speak. Just watch The piano piece faded slightly. A video Id filmed a few days ago started playing, alongside some video clips of Phil and I together. Phil, said the Dan on the tv. Weve been friends for what seems like forever. Ive never been closer to anyone before, you were my first and only best friend and Im so grateful for you and everything youve done for me. Which is why I need to tell you this. Phil looked at me. But I shook my head. I love you. TV Dan said. I saw Phil stiffen in his seat. I love you Phil, I have since I met you. You complete me. Id be no one without you. I love you the video ended. Phil stood up and walked over to me. I love you too he whispered, throwing his arms around my neck. I tightened my arms around his waist. Are you sure? I asked. Not believing my luck. Ive never been more sure of anything. There you go!! I hope that was alright!! :D ~AmazingLaurenisnotonfire
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 21:44:23 +0000

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