So i did some information at the Monastery the official rules and - TopicsExpress


So i did some information at the Monastery the official rules and listing of religions says The Church of FSM is on their list and even sells The Church of Flying Monster gospel and my title is official and must be respected by the Monastery and Court of Law. So if you talk shit or say i am disrespectful to your religion you are actuall y being disrespectful to a Reverend and even you bible thumpin worshippers talking down on me it even reads in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15 that you must respect those who Shepherd. So now that I have looked over your bible you must respect my title dont like it even your bible says you must with a man of religion. We must come together and bring the best in each other. You may not like what I believe or may not like what I do but according to your book and most importantly by United States law you must respect it as I am to you. LOL I guess the best way is to beat them is with their own book. Sauce be with you #RAMEN Reverend Robert Larremore
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:41:53 +0000

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