So if you are paying attention to the polls of the midterm - TopicsExpress


So if you are paying attention to the polls of the midterm elections and you’re Conservative; you may feel not just uncomfortable but down right frustrated. Please, as in any time of danger or strife, now is not the time to allow your emotions to override your intellect. Fear is a natural state during unknown situations; however it should never be the ruling factor. Emotional responses tend to always lead to bad choices with worse outcomes. In the wilderness, fear kills more than anything else; seriously so ‘take a knee’. We aren’t ‘Progressives’ and what they want is for us to be emotionally frustrated, we must not be taken in by this ‘matchstick man’, tactical manipulation. Fear is what is used to herd animals and unbridled fear is the cause of every cattle stamped. You aren’t ‘cattle’; you are human beings, endowed by your Creator, not just with certain inalienable rights (Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness and etcetera) but with free will. Letting fear dominate your actions and emotions is abdicating all of that to the ‘mob mentality’ or as a Progressive might call it; ‘the collective’. Because although you may be a Conservative or Right Wing variant and despise the thought of being included in any ‘collective’; that is how the Leftist ideology both sees and defines us. For all the ‘social engineering’ they do to build their own collective, so too do they approach us individual, ‘free thinkers’ from the same perspective and where ‘free stuff’ works with their group, fear is the motivator they employ against the Right. “Feeding time causes animals to rush to the trough at the sound of the food being poured; the crack of the whip causes animals to move away from that sound. These are analogies of the ‘conditioned responses’ the left employs with the Liberal and Conservative ‘collectives’ respectively. You can be offended all you want by my comparison but it won’t negate the fact that this social engineering is what you’re bowing too, if you’re afraid. We have already seen polls, statistics and even votes manipulated by both the White house and the media and exclusively with a Leftist leaning bias. Anyone remember them telling us that 90% of America wanted Obama care? The real number was 48 to 49% for Obama care and 51 to 52% against. Yes, it was close of those polled but the majority did not want it and those that did; were too stupid not to read it. Then there was the ‘overwhelming majority of Americans’ that were ‘clamoring’ for stricter arms control. REALLY? So while the narrative claimed one thing, the facts and reality proved them liars. Those ‘common sense’ bills, they tried to push didn’t pass. The whole ruse collapsed as it didn’t happen federally and aside from ‘Commiefornia’ and a few other Leftist states, there has been no progress towards mandatory registration and I believe in some states they reversed such pushes. These are only two examples of many as most of you already are aware. I don’t give a damn about you political ideology but know this; if you try and shove a law down my throat, based on lies, you are my implacable foe. The harder you push, the stronger I will fight back and understand; I don’t ‘play fight’, it always life and death for me and I have no escalation limit. So pushing lies that endanger my freedom, my life or the lives of others opens the ‘pusher’ up to self-defense actions by the pushed. There is always going to be the ‘Paper Tiger’ threat; this is a mainstay of a Leftist administration and Democrats have gone so far Left they are moving backwards now. They delight in signing papers that they intend on using to enforce their policies. The key word is ‘intend’. Until the do attempt to enforce them, they are simple words. They know this; they also know that with each bill, executive order and ridiculous law, there is a flood of court cases that will be deciding if their policies are, Constitutional. This is why the Left knows these ‘midterm’ elections are so vital; they will need to stack the courts with more ‘Liberal Judges’ that will protect their ‘Paper Tiger Policies’. This is not fear mongering from me, rather it is me painting the overview of this tapestry in terms and concepts anyone can plainly see. No, these are not the sole elements of the situation, nor is it intended to come off as some Reynolds Wrap Conspiracy; it is simply and logically, highlighting our priorities. All fear is founded in ignorance, if you understand a thing you will take action to defend yourself from that thing and hence, while you will respect the danger it poses, you will not fear it. Failing this is where people fall into willful ignorance, stupidity and fanaticism; this is the foundation of hate. Next time you are about to say you ‘hate’ something consider what your word choice says about you, to people such as me. Also consider this; the Left ‘hates’ us; this is really wonderful news. That tells me they have little or no understanding of us and this is confirmed to me, every time I read the posts in a debate site. The biggest mistake so many Conservatives make is reacting to what the Left is doing. In chess, if you are only reacting to your opponent’s moves, you’re losing and this holds true to many other things as well, like politics. You are being ‘driven’ or ‘herded’ if you are reacting, you are abdicating you individuality and moving into a collective if you are afraid and that collective is just a pen that the Left is attempting to drive you into. I shouldn’t have to school you in how flocked up, collective or mob mentality is and if you haven’t herd by now; your either driver or driven. I fall into a unique category I guess, I neither wish to drive nor be driven. I take action to prepare and much like a surfer, I ride the waves because I know I cannot dominate the waves; however I can coexist with them and even catch a ride and shred on it. This extends into the Quantum realm of probability as well. Everyone has this preconception that surfers are dumb and yet every really good surfer I have known; knew that control was an illusion. So more good news, that Left cannot grasp that concept either. So a brief review of the concepts of this, what will be attacked as ‘word salad’ by some, for those who bothered to read it: 1. Fear is a motivator but such powerful emotions destroy intellect. 2. The Left and even some on the Right use fear to motivate knowing full well that it will stifle your intellect. 3. Reacting to your opponents actions is abdicating your free will and while control is indeed an illusion, why give someone else any control, illusionary or not, over you. One even has to question the sanity of those driven to wrestle that illusion from you; perhaps they abdicated their free will to someone that made them that way. 4. Dude, surfers are smarter than you thought. So while this over long piece may not have told you anything you already didn’t know I hope it reminded you of things you may have forgotten. One truism in life is if someone desires control over you and it isn’t your parents or family; odds are they are not doing so for your betterment, they are doing it for their own (this applies to family in some cases too though, I know.). One of the reasons I loathe politicians (Note I didn’t use hate, I understand them) they invariably desire power for their own ends, not for the good of all. This is not an absolute but it is predominating in our system today. So insidious is this status quo that many are discourage from even trying to vote. You are ‘afraid’ you cannot change anything, so who does that fear serve? Yes, despair, apathy, and even being ‘frozen’ from doing anything are all the result of fear. I recently pointed out that we are conditioned our entire life not to ‘make waves’. I never took to that conditioning to well, ask anyone that knows me. While I gave the ‘illusion’ that I was ‘under control’, I assure you that I always made my own choices. I’m not asking you to make waves now though, it won’t be enough; what we need is a tsunami. So your mission if you choose to accept it is as follows: If you desire to get rid of the issues in congress, look at the incumbent candidate; almost all of them need to go so don’t vote for them. Please choose another option rather than the incumbent when possible. Encourage this in your neighbors and your neighborhood and even take it a step further. For every one of us Conservatives, I’m willing to bet you have a neighbor, perhaps elderly, that cannot drive and has no way to the polls. Be the resolution to that issue; get them to the polls, they more that we younger folks will be affected by the policies negatively right now. If it continues we will all be in the same boat and in fact already are but for now, you know they aren’t happy with what Congress has done thus far and most of them despise the incumbents, they have watched their incompetence daily. Consider checking with any local Nursing Homes and seeing if you might volunteer taking some of those residents to the polls. Not everyone in a rest home is incompetent and in fact sometimes the staff is worse than the patients but none the less give it a try. When you consider the statistics and how many elderly can actually be ‘restricted’ from voting by easily fixed inconvenience, you can see; this is a great untapped ‘Grey Tide’. This is not exploitation but rather it is seeking the wisdom of our parents to help us out of this vast mess. I have some other ideas as well but all of them require understanding this key element to the plan: Too many are waiting on a hero to save them; you are that hero, unless of course you do nothing; then you’re just another slave to fear.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:46:43 +0000

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