So im sure everyone by now has heard of the Ebola outbreak. What - TopicsExpress


So im sure everyone by now has heard of the Ebola outbreak. What is frustrating me more than anything is the lack of Education and knowledge that people have about Africa. It is NOT 1 country. It is made up of 54 different countries, collectively bigger than China, The United States, India as well as many other countries. (Im sure you have seen the info graphic floating around face book). There is this big fear that the whole of Africa is at risk of this disease - this is simply NOT true. People have this false security thinking they are safe in Europe or the Americas. I have heard many people say yes, but i would rather catch it in a country that has better medical facilities…. personally, i would rather not catch it at all, and not need medical attention, and Tanzania is where i feel safe. This post is not to put fear in people living in the Western World but to protect a country that i was born in, live in, work in and love. Tanzania is one of the safest countries in Africa, and i would hate to see its tourism industry crumble because people are afraid of catching Ebola while on a safari. Yes, Ebola is causing havoc through a few countries, but what would happen if an entire countries tourism industry dies based on inaccurate fears? How many millions of people will lose their jobs in Tanzania? How many millions of people will not have enough money to feed their families? How many farmers, guides, drivers, hoteliers, fisherman, shop owners will not be able to support themselves and their families because people arent educated properly on Africa? I would personally like news stations to start education people on Africa and each of its countries rather than blasting the same story every 15 minutes. We all know that bad news sells, but education is the key. Here is a link that i found quite useful, written by 7 top scientists in the field of Ebola. it is over a month old, but that information in it is invaluable. Well, worth a read and the results may surprise you!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 09:50:58 +0000

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