So, its looking like the Israeli government controls both Egypt - TopicsExpress


So, its looking like the Israeli government controls both Egypt and Palestine, and if the Egyptian people thought things were skunky under their previous officials, they aint seen nothin yet. I guess its all part of Israels plan to expand their territorial control and reign supreme in the Middle East, seizing one Arab nation at a time, infiltrating its government through the usual back room deceptions, payoffs, blackmail, murder you-name-it. It becomes very clear why the people of Gaza are suffering even more than usual lately under this vicious sadistic Israeli military occupation. Rafah border closures, Egyptian destruction of the smuggling tunnels into Gaza, fuel shortages, power all makes so much sense if one factors into the equation that Egypt is being played like a fine violin, with the promise of keeping its U.S. foreign aid, as long as it plays along in Israels game of theft, deception, death and destruction. Egypts al-Sisi is an automatic Israeli citizen, so lets take a wild stab at where his allegiance lies, shall we? Israel or Egypt? You get one guess. Similar to the the U.S. and Israel, were looking at yet another situation of a government thats bought, sold and controlled , and well, goddamn if that doesnt mean that Egypt is being run by Israel and the Mossad. This doesnt bode well at all by any stretch of the imagination, imo - not for Palestine, nor for Egypt, and certainly, undeniably, without a doubt in my mind - not for the world. Egypt: Bought, sold and controlled by Zionist Psychopaths. ..................... The Greater Israel Project – a long-standing Zionist scheme to steal all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates – is halfway there. They just stole the Nile. The problem is not that Egypt’s new thug-in-chief, General Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi, is a Jew. (His mother, Malikah Titani, is a Moroccan Jew from Asefi, which makes al-Sisi a Jew and an automatic citizen of Israel.) If the Egyptian people want to elect a Jew president in a free and fair election – like they elected the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) to the Lower House with 73% of the vote, the Upper House with 80% of the vote, the presidency with 52% of the vote, and approved the MB Constitution with 64% of the vote – that’s fine with me. The problem is that al-Sisi has concealed his Jewish identity and Israeli connections from the Egyptian people… and destroyed their nascent democracy through deception and mass murder. An even bigger problem: al-Sisi is almost certainly a Mossad agent. That means al-Sisi’s Egypt is not just a brutal, banana-republic-style dictatorship. It is Israeli- occupied territory: The newest and largest province of ever-expanding Greater Israel.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 23:52:01 +0000

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