So its the 2 year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. At my secret - TopicsExpress


So its the 2 year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. At my secret day job, Im still redesign homes affected by the storm, and its sad to see so many people still displaced and not able to return to their homes. But on a good note, their spirits are high because theyre under my wing. Were you affected at all by this storm? BTW the pic of my son below is of the Long Beach boardwalk after they stripped the roller-coaster of wood decking off of it (the storm pulverized it). We went down their well after the storm, but if youve been to the boardwalk lately, it was magnificently redone and built to a much higher standard of storm resistance. Were very happy about that because this boardwalk is very much a part of our lives. So: I found my posts that I made to our workout team THE RESISTANCE during this ordeal. Thought Id share them: ************************* November 3, 2012 · Baldwin, NY Day 5 without power (on a friends Pc at the moment). Threw away a large bag of tilapia, a bag of kale, 2 dozen jumbo eggs, soggy fresh veges, salsa, butter pickles and low fat mayo. 1/2 of people in my neighborhood have power restored, including a good number of stores. Some stores a cash only. My ex/kids have power that went back on Wed night so Im happy about that. I went to work yeste rday after a group cell message told everyone report to the office with an extension cord and I was the only one that showed up. So I rigged my cord to the server and a working outlet and fired it up. Worked on plans for 3 houses and did an honest 9 hours of work. Lights were out so I had my flashlight with rechargeable batteries going. The office upstairs was running and they were shocked that only I came in. They offered me bagels but I passed. Earlier in the week on Wed I had two public hearings so I went to them on a gut feeling that they were going to be held. Worked out great since the town hall had power. Havent been able to log in and be with my team and that bums me out. For a bit I was only getting android cell reception in a parking lot near my apartment but now Im getting a strong signal in the mancave so I could plug in. Just did what I could til cell died. Havent really been able to follow the news except for the radio in the car ride to work. A favorite walking spot in Long Beach was pulverized. Not sure if my sons hockey rink is still standing either. Kids had no school all week. I charge my cell phone and my flashlight batteries in my car, and I have a stash of scented candles lit up all over the mancave (but Im being SUPER careful). Just bored. So Ive been eating oatmeal with water, raisins, almonds and peanut butter (Cold) for breakfast. Late morning snack: I drink my shakeology with rice milk in packages that dont require refrigeration until open. Lunch is a can of low fat chicken chili or canned beans or both on oatmeal or on top of bagged popcorn. Dinner was same. Since other businesses now open (and those in incorporated villages never lost power for long) Ive been able to get hot coffee and a egg white on flat bread at Dunkin Donuts this morning. My gluten free thingy will have to take a back seat this week. Wish I could could something (I have an electric stove and no power). Luckily we have hot water because the pilot light on my landlords hot water heater is on and its gas. We just have no electricity, and as I was reminded of last night: no heat. Slept in my army and navy long johns, a winter parka and ski cap. Im pretty much living my Red Dawn/ Jericho/ The Walking Dead/ My Side of The Mountain/ Castaway fantasy come true. This has been like a vacation: you really begin to understand how much crap you own (and dont need) when you go on vacation. Excercise? YOU BETTER FXCKING BELIEVE IT. Ive been doing Body Beast Bulk workouts from memory with a 15 min foam roller session before and a 15 min yoga x session after. I might just lean out as this continues Be well friends. And hug your loved ones, and if you see an electrician, do the same This is LOU TRENTADUE, and I am the LEADER of THE RESISTANCE. And we dont ever quit!!!! Because THATs How we ROLL. ************************* November 1, 2012 · Baldwin, NY · Hey drove to my favorite parking lot to get cell reception and tell you guys that youre AWESOME!!!! Scrolled real fast up down the posts and LOVING the LOVE!!! Keep at it team! Glad youre helping each other! No power yet for me but my ex and kids have it and that makes me glad. I did Body Beast Bulk ARMS to a romantically set candle light tonight LOL then wolfed down some canned tuna, brussel sprouts and romanine. Sadly had to throw away 2 dozen eggs and some spoiled food in fridge including my amazing lentil soup . NO worries team Ill be BACK!!!! Now GO WORK OUT OR ELSE! ************************* November 1, 2012 · Baldwin, NY · Guys in a parking lot no electricity yet. most people have it restored by me but my block with mancave hit hard utility poles snapped in half. found open sushi restaurant last night so yum! Wish I could start beast block 3rd phase but cant without dvd player so doing yoga x and the bulk body beast dvds. running out of candles but my flashlight has reachargable batteries and i plug the charger into car with cell charger on/off so both get juiced. had a doc appointment yesterday and he was open since he had power. had a knee pain that I ddidnt mention to you guys. he took xrays and said im ok its just a quad strain. I told him I did squats last week despite primary physicians orders. he asked me how. I told him with Insanity. He said hes in his late forties and he did insanity too. Told him about you guys and we talked for 30 min about ski abs, mummy kicks etc. Great guy. Also wants me to design his house LOL. Mancave has no working toilet since it was on electric ejector pump so landlord letting me upstairs. great people. mancave looks scary and dark like conan movie when conan barbarian finds sword in cave LOL. I love it. I dont LOL. Wish I could connect more! Power on maybe by Fri night. Office still has no power so Im bored to deathLOL!!!! VIVA LA RESISTANCE! ************************** October 31, 2012 · Hey TEAM MATES!!!! Cell working for short bit (thanks Liz!!!!) No electric or cell otherwise. Trees and power lines down everywhere. Luckily put 8 take-out soup containers of water imn freezer before power went out. They froze and I move two into my refrigerator as needed. Did bulk shoulders last night in candle light. Dvd battery didnt charge enough so did it from memory and with print out that I had of moves . VIVA LA RESISTANCE!!!!! *************************** Elizabeth GinnisTHE RESISTANCE October 31, 2012 · I just received this text from Lou: Hey if you get this tell resistance I have no electricity or cell svc but cell on for short while. Im ok. *************************** LaShan LewisTHE RESISTANCE October 30, 2012 · Breaking News: I just got a call from Lou. He wanted me to let you all know that he is fine, but he has no cell service, no internet, no electricity. So he wont be back on til hopefully tomorrow night, or the latest Thursday. But he sounded well and Im glad they are safe. He was using someone specials phone.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:09:08 +0000

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