So many golden/ideas floating away from me ... some in lost notes - TopicsExpress


So many golden/ideas floating away from me ... some in lost notes and some buried in my notes: years ago I gave thought to this situation for men and women who lose their other halves; and of course I went about devising a solution, everyone can accept and enjoy. This emotion of lost touch me long ago, not of a personally romantic concern for myself but in reading about other dying shortly after their love one leaves. I dont mean to be cruel to heart so vulnerable but what a f... waste; it you are still here you still have work to do and with them gone maybe you can get it done. It is not like a love so deep has a death sentence, ever! ... it is not like going on to love someone else can destroy or diminish what your/ones heart once created ... that as foolish as thinking a woman can only have one baby or the babies to follow the first is not real ...; once created through chemistry and caring and thoughtfulness and commitment and fulfillment of the longing of a heart to touch another heart and kindness brought to service each other and appreciation to weather the wrinkles and the lost of what was (be it a womans beauty or a mans strength) ... this journey is a stable in the universe as any material matter and more so because it creates a birth from two as one without expiration; as far as I can tell or my creative mind is forcing on humanity ... they become a like the two sides of a coin; and in that is the eternity the good book speaks of ... and no man or woman shall put under; only if you can imagine, such a love can not exist is a bag of meat and does not play the game of life and death ... it is ... and its ... and so it is!!! ... now the mortal coil (whatever) knows not of things of beyond and only thinks so; ... with a love like that that I felt might be in that mans heart; his wife has never left him and that part of him that belong to her is with her; to hold onto something you no longer own is is insanity. ... wishing part of a self goodbye is hard for the nosy and gutless ... what part of me does that is complete with this life is none of my business or concern ... there are more dimensions under the sun than gains of sand. ... my thought as to how this man can defeat suffering, while cherishing that which touched his heart and his heart touch, while knowing he has already created his life and happy ever after he or she can find new horizons or create more of the same; ... l would say, thought never experienced it, love fells the soul and runs its cup over - the bedroom, and the gifts, and the hoping, and the impressing, and the spark, and the promise of together forever is and always will be even if bags of meat pretending intellect forgets ... ; the kingdom in was always in each others arms ... getting the what is to love is not the same as thinking what it is love: thinking what love is to be love is like ... thinking the photo of food on the menu contains what fills the gut and pleasures the palate and give nutrients to the body - the purpose of eating - is what people do and it (the photo) dont (does not provide nourishment for the body, though one would think so. .... YOU CANNOT EAT THE MENU AND GET NOURISHMENT. ... if you have to ask someone if they love you you already got your answer .... it is NO! ... or they say yes and you go way full off of eating the menu ... and then wander why he or she is cheating on you. ... Doubt give assess to experience being replace by knowing; ... people in the love-menu have been reported to have killed each other ... THERE IS NO NOURISHMENT IN A PIECE OF CARDBOARD! THERE IS NO MAGIC/ NOURISHMENT IN CARDBOARD BUT WHAT A MIND MAY THINK IS IN A PIECE OF CARDBOARD. ... inventors invent for the pleasure of making life better for us all and then a business man or woman comes along robs the inventor and thus we all suffer. ... I intentionally lost my first invention ... i mean it is in my notes but the what has to happen in my soul to re-create it cannot be coerced and bought. ... it is a good thing I have a bad memory. I recall all the stories of how songs/music was stolen from black musicians, in America ...; I recall the doctor who invented the blood transfusion process, who was black, dying because a white hospital would not admit him for a blood transfusion; ... and now the one sacred thing that was left on America soil that made it all work is now dying; ... the rights thing did not turn out they way anyone could imagine .... (1) I decided to keeps the fruits of my destroy and let it be discovered by someone else, obviously (2) given what I see going on in America started with or was born on the backs of the civil rights movement headed up by Martin L King Jr. for black! rights! ...; I would have preferred to have stayed a slave ...; ...some good things are just not worth the outcomes no one could have predicted ...
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 09:11:45 +0000

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