So much to be grateful for today. But I think right at the top of - TopicsExpress


So much to be grateful for today. But I think right at the top of my list will be this journey I embarked upon some months lose weight, to FEEL better, to improve my be the best me I could be. What I consider to be a critical first step was in early April when I watched the documentary, FORKS OVER KNIVES (which I highly recommend!) which helped me put all the pieces together....why we eat the way we do, what forces have played into our ever increasing chronic & deadly illnesses, and how we MAY BE ABLE TO HEAL OURSELVES. That part of my journey led me to seek out more and more information...everything I could find of Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Neal Barnard, M.D., Dr. Dean Ornish, MD, Dr John McDougall, just to name a few. All of that, though, was well and good...they gave me the WHAT and the WHY of why were so unhealthy, and the fact that MUCH of that are within our control TO CHANGE. Easy...its the food, right? But if you know me, you KNOW I dont cook...try as I did when I was just never came together for me. So my journey got me still seeking...where could I find my HOW!!!! And I DID FIND IT. On April 4, a Friday, I attended a brief nutrition/cooking demo in Naperville presented by Julie Marie Christensen, the creator of protectivediet/. As a result, I spent April 5 CLEANING OUT MY PANTRY, MY FRIDGE & MY FREEZER, then I went shopping to begin my NEW WAY OF EATING, and on Sunday, April 6, 2014, this amazing phase of my journey began. Today I am healthier because of Julie & her program (we refer to it as PD). My blood pressure is better (Ive not taken blood pressure meds for 3 months now...and readings WITHOUT meds are basically the same as they had been WITH meds for the past 7 or 8 years!), my cholesterol is AMAZING (130 TOTAL as of this past week!), I am NO LONGER pre-diabetic, a classification Ive held for many years...but now my test results fall within the normal range!, Ive lost a lot of weight (50.1 lbs since January...28 of which is from PD), I have a TON more energy (I just moved and the movers only had to move the furniture...I moved the boxes myself. It was both I saved the $300 or so Id have had to pay if they moved them!), Im more agile & flexible...and I know all of this is BECAUSE OF THE WAY I EAT! So yes, Im very grateful...for all of the healing going on in my life, for the control Ive taken over as much of that as I can, and for the amazing, wonderful people who are a part of it all.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 14:03:56 +0000

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