So my 2014 has summed up to be like this: Ive drank so much - TopicsExpress


So my 2014 has summed up to be like this: Ive drank so much distilled water that anything else just tastes nasty to me. Only water I like that isnt 100% distilled is smart water. I only love straight black coffee. No creamer. No sugar. No artificial sweetener. Nothing. I only like unsweetened tea. Nothing added. Hot or cold its good. Every meal on every day is the same. I dont change the type of meal. I might change the serving. But every food is eaten at the same designated time every day. 7 days a week. I only like plain white rice. No butter. No pepper. No sugar. Nothing. I would prefer to eat my veggies without any seasoning/dressing but if I add something it will be either a light amount of fat free balsamic or cayenne pepper. I only like pepper on my foods. No salt. I JUST started using hot sauce like last week or so. Still adjusting to that. I only eat hot sauce that has 30mg or less sodium. So that pretty much cancels all big name hot sauces. I eat every 2 to 2.5 hours from as early as 630am to as late as midnight. I Will NOT go to bed without eating all meals prepped for the day. A long nights sleep is a privilege to me. Im the king of naps. Will sneak a 15-30 minute nap in anywhere I can. On my days off from work Im still up at as early as 4am. Getting ready for cardio before breakfast. I do cardio 7 days a week. Sometimes twice a day. I used to think its GOTTA be an addiction; a disorder to be like this. Till I began to live like this. Truthfully I think my life is a lot easier this way. I know when to eat. How to eat, what to eat, when to rest, when to get up, how to prepare, what the workout of the day is based on my work schedule, kids schedule, wifes plans, and how my body feels and when to get ready. So its not an addiction per say, its a very disciplined, thought out agenda. Its so extensive that it will have little to no negative results or mishaps and is available to be changed if need be. Just like to keep it simple stupid. Lol
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:22:47 +0000

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