So my birthday isnt until Thursday, so please spare me the - what - TopicsExpress


So my birthday isnt until Thursday, so please spare me the - what Ive come to call - Facebook deluge until then. INCOMING WALL OF TEXT: ...le mieux est lennemi du bien (The perfect is the enemy of the good) -Voltaire 28 was one hell of a personal rollercoaster for me. Love lost, lost some friends, bought a house, met some new people, read a bunch, played some games, watched a ton of movies, cleaned up several floods in my basement (Alden Sewell, I am forever in your debt), collected more things (yes, Kara, I realize I still need blankets. I live in a cave.), met someone awesome, ate, drank, was the merriest Ive ever been, and was the saddest Ive ever been. On the whole, Id say it all evened out. The most significant thing to happen to me this year happened in May. I was in a pretty dark place, and one of my friends was helping me through it. They said to me: Mike, are you the best version of yourself? I responded that, of course Im not, thats impossible. They asked me: Well why the heck not? As preposterous as that statement is (no one is truly an optimal version of themselves, everyone has skeletons/flaws/things they could improve - no one bats a thousand), that really stuck with me. Not only was I not the best version of myself, I wasnt even close. I wasnt even *trying*. I was a slovenly, unkempt, obese, angry, sad, shell of a human being. Not to say Ive made a complete reversal, no, not by any means - but now Im trying. I wake up, I work out, I eat a pretty strict diet, Ive lost 32 pounds (as of this morning!), Ive opened my house to some of my closest friends once a week for a gathering (where before, Id avoid having people over because I didnt want them to know how bad Id gotten), Ive tried to dress slightly nicer (although Im still pretty much a fashion imbecile), I attempt (usually in vain, haha) to have a sunnier disposition for the most part (Im still fiery, attempt to be witty, and am often snarky; thats just me!), and I am truly moving toward what I feel is a better place. So, Im really looking forward to what 29 has to offer. I am aiming to have 75 pounds lost by the anniversary of my new lifestyle (May 15), and I am really looking forward to training this year for 5k runs (something Ive always wanted to do). Im looking forward to possibly continuing my education (I hope to pursue an MBA, as well as various technical certifications). Id really like to start improving my home (I have some ideas for my living room and spare bedroom that I am going to start flreshing out soon). Dipping my toes into game/film journalism is another long-term goal of mine. Overall, though, Im looking forward to be moving toward being the best I can be. Are you the best version of yourself? Well, why the heck not?
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 23:17:45 +0000

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