So thankful for the family God gave my kids. Some kids arent as - TopicsExpress


So thankful for the family God gave my kids. Some kids arent as blessed as mine in the grandparent department. There are many who have no grandparents living, some who live away from their grandparents and sadly some who live close but ole granny and gramps are too busy to make time for their grandkids. Im proud to say my kids do not have to experience that. Their grandparents are at every single birthday party (and lets face it, theyre like every two weeks around here, lol), every school event and every church program. And when the actual birthday and party do not coincide on the same day, you can bet your money theyre getting a phone call. When I was so very sick and in the hospital last year after Wyatt, they took turns watching all 4 of the kids so Travis Craft could stay with me and not feel torn. Theyve already stepped up again with my upcoming surgery to say theyll do whatever needs doing. They are always willing to help in a jam - like when your car messes up just down from their house and its 30 degrees outside yet your father in law spends all afternoon fixing it anyway - even offering to take off work early to do so. Or for helping you remodel in the middle of winter while both you AND your husband are still post-op patients. Theres not one week that goes by that one or more of the kids isnt spending the night at one or both grandparents house. My gosh they have their own room at both houses! They often take turns getting one of the kids so they can have one on one time with them. They even offer their homes for a party location cuz we all know the likelihood of my house being party ready with this bunch living in it is slim to none! My parents love my husband as a person not just the father of their grandkids. Ive seen them worry about him, pray for him and pick with him like hes their own. And I know his parents are the same with me. I can talk to them just as I do my own. I love that we get together with both of our parents for holidays etc. My kids get to enjoy their special days with everyone without feeling rushed or split. My parents dont facebook but Im mentioning them anyway. Thank you Tony and Linda Alexander and Carl and Angie Allen for being the rocks we lean on and for always being there for our kids. They couldnt ask for any better than yall!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 06:11:25 +0000

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