So the idea was to get them / or convince them or dare them or - TopicsExpress


So the idea was to get them / or convince them or dare them or shame them or inspire them / to gather up a few of their most promising or relevant or recent mystery fragments / and head down to the bakery on Tuesday evening where Sheila and Fred were hosting an informal workshop / or if that wasn’t their thing maybe one or two ballad fragments would work / or if that also seemed a little off maybe curt political jottings would be more apropos, social thought, spirituality, maybe a piece about mountaineering / or some verse about robot culture, dramatic fragments were also welcomed, scraps of rough hewn back-and-forth, exposition, whatever it was / that they might just have lying around, needlessly, perhaps a list of suggestions they were getting ready to send off to a very important foundation / or the assembly instructions for the neighbor kid’s new jungle gym / the barest outline or sketch would suffice in this context, I assured them, anything that the gang down at the bakery could all rally around for awhile, half-heartedly, totally, either out in the open or secretly, whether it be a simple journal entry, vindictive personal letter, inner monologue representing lifelong psychological conflicts, anthropological musings, biographical summaries, theoretical critiques of sand, sea, sky, earth and ether, mere ideas or fantasies, short scenes from a movie script with or without directions for camera shots, a deconstruction of Kansas’s 1977 hit ‘Dust in the Wind’, a last minute addition to their album ‘Point of Know Return’, allegedly written in a single afternoon by Kerry Livgren as a mere fingerpicking exercise while exploring the harmonic possibilities of the now-legendary ‘Nashville tuning’, which of course refers to the practice of replacing the standard E, A, D and G strings on a six-string guitar with lighter gauge strings to allow tuning a full octave higher / tall tales, ghost stories, dream fragments, accounts of a camping or boating or hitchhiking trip, scenes from a vision quest with the other founding members of Kansas before they began drifting apart due to creative and philosophical differences / recipes and/or descriptions of funny holiday gags or traditions, comedy routines, liner notes, timelines, channels of thought, restaurant descriptions and menus, receipts, applications, deeds, budgets, birth and/or death certificates, fables, folklore, metafiction, lost worlds, bildungsromans, lab lit, biopunk, dieselpunk, steampunk, atompunk, clockpunk, UFO studies, people’s history, Kansas’s August 17th, 2013 anniversary concert celebrating 40 years as a band, during which the boys took a break from their regular touring schedule to say thank you to their legions of loyal Wheatheads with a once-in-a-lifetime fan appreciation shindig in Pittsburgh, apologetics, apocrypha, redactions, genealogy, spice mix, true crime, wisdom literature, doesn’t matter at all, I assured them, just give the gang down at the bakery something / to chew on for awhile, doesn’t have to be your best work, certainly, doesn’t have to have a clear or viable path to the future, see, something just lying around, any old thing, antiheroes, freakshows, unreliable narrators, bibliographies, pie charts, gazettes, codexes, webinars, Sheila and Fred will allow pretty much anything these days, even something as esoteric as palaeography, which just last week I learned / is the study of ancient and historical handwriting (that is to say, the forms and processes of writing, not the semantic content of documents) or a short piece on tenebriscriptoria, literally dark places for writing, commonly used to refer to the small candlelit chambers in the basements of modern day taverns or pizzerias or teahouses or bakeries devoted to the writing, copying and illuminating of manuscripts by regular folks just like us! [Send ‘Dust in The Wind’ ringtone to your mobile.] [I close my eyes / Only for a moment and the moments gone / All my dreams / Pass before my eyes with curiosity / Dust in the wind / All we are is dust in the wind / Same old song / Just a drop of water in an endless sea / All we do / Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see / (Aa aa aa) / Dust in the wind / All we are is dust in the wind / Oh, ho, ho / Now dont hang on / Nothin lasts forever but the earth and sky / It slips away / And all your money wont another minute buy / Dust in the wind / All we are is dust in the wind / (All we are is dust in the wind) / Dust in the wind / (Everything is dust in the wind) / Everything is dust in the wind / (In the wind) / (Ooo) / (Ooo) / (Ooo)] https://youtube/watch?v=EAtBki0PsC0
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 04:36:11 +0000

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