So this is what I heard Shaa Wasmund say yesterday... Focus on - TopicsExpress


So this is what I heard Shaa Wasmund say yesterday... Focus on what you can control Own your shit Believe in yourself Own your power Pay it forward Build a support network - they will support you through the challenging times as well as the good times Be part of someone elses support network Be laser focused You have no right to ask for help unless you volunteer it freely to someone else Invest in yourself and your business - learn from experts Take massive action Make a commitment to yourself that you will take action from every course - get your ROI Stand on the shoulders of giants but believe you are equal; if you are in the room with the giants youre there because they need you and your expertise Dont employee any one unless you would be very happy to invite them into your home for dinner Dont partner with anyone unless youd be very happy and comfortable with asking them to stay at your home for the weekend If you wouldnt invite them into your home dont work with them Constantly be listening for how you can help people not how can they help you or keep looking over their shoulder to see who us the most important person in the room Ive heard Shaa say this a few times before and most off it is probably in her book however yesterday when I heard it, I heard differently. Not just with my intellect but with my heart and gut too.. It as a visceral feeling of wow. And yet as Im writing this down its well of course but yesterday in that moment it integrated at a deeper level. And thats the thing with insights, they may not be insights into something completely new but a news insight on what youve heard before. Its like reading a book or watching a film more tan once, as you know the story better for understand the plot better you see different things, in the characters - more subtle things that deepens your understanding and enjoyment. Today feels different, exactly how and what I cant define but different... Theres a subtle but perceptible shift in me and my thinking (has to be my thinking as its an inside out job). Exactly what that means now I dont know but what I do know is that I got clarity on certain work streams yesterday. And since Im km the train going back for day 2 of the event just wondering what else might have changed by the end of the day. You see itd not always the next bright shiny new thing... Just an even deeper understanding of what youve heard already or what you know.. Unlocking more of that inner wisdom...
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 08:33:53 +0000

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