So today I had another reminder just how good life is and how I am - TopicsExpress


So today I had another reminder just how good life is and how I am very lucky to be involved in such an amazing industry. I started the day training with Fitquest, as a client - nice being on the other side. Then 21 of us went out for a couple of hours running across truly beautiful countryside, practising for the Sodbury Slog. It was lovely to hear peoples stories, goals and trigger points. Dodge the cow pats, see donkeys, cows, sheep, horses, alpacas, chat, laugh and have fun in our amazing local surroundings. I was touched by lots of things but managed to spend time with a client who had been training with us for under a year now. 2 years ago she was a smoker who did not exercise. Since January she has lost 6 stone, yes 6 stone! 4 stone of this from healthy eating and pushed 2 more off since training with us. She was humble as we talked and I asked the question would you ever go back?. She looked at me with horror and quickly followed it up with a no way!. This person is obviously healthier than she was but she is a true trainer now, she busts her guts 3/4 times a week with us and also does some running. She has raced this year and will be racing on the 9th. She nailed todays run and I feel honoured to be mixing with such determined, motivated people. Top effort to you, lovely lady. I heard people talking about planning half marathons and even full marathons. Most of the people today couldnt have imagined this before their training journey began. I heard some people say they were dropping out of our running club and not racing anymore as they just didnt enjoy it. My advice is nail the stuff you hate, dont let anything or anyone beat you and make your goals big. So today, I had fun with new friends and old ones, learnt a bit more about people and what makes them tick, ate flapjacks, did some fitness and I came home to Casa Alleyne to a BBQ and Pimms. Nothings straightforward ;) but I do love it all.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:45:52 +0000

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