So what did you do that made you feel good for the moment? What - TopicsExpress


So what did you do that made you feel good for the moment? What did you buy that made you look good? And good for others, not even for yourself but because you want to show others how good you look or what you bought the made you feel better and bigger then them. But kept you broke and poor! Rich people dont buy stuff from their own earnings; they became rich by having self-control about looking good or feeling that they are better then others. They have self-control, they save, they invest, they reinvest then they buy their stuff or material things throughout the earnings of their investments. I used to be that stupid! Until life brought me down to my knees and gave me the lesson that if I want to be rich which I did, and wanted to be richer than my father who became wealthy at 45 so I wanted to follow his footsteps and showed him that I could do own my own but no, I was an idiot in my 20s for 4 years I was making 400000 every year. I lost it all because I did not invest I party until I dropped, I bough expensive cars, I bought big boat, I bough expensive condominiums and guess what all of that did to me and life style it force me to keep working and working to come up with the money to pay the bills then guess again what happen, I got tired, exhausted and overwhelmed and sick I gave up I couldnt keep up with the jones and I went broke I lost it all. Then in my 30s I said now I am not going to spend I am going to invest so I started to make good money through my hard efforts and work ethic. I started to make $250,00 a year again I started to invest in real estate to the point of getting eight properties then guess again, I got relax I though this time I had made it again and guess what again I started to diversify, I lost focus! I open a restaurant, I bought with two partners a 50% of a radio station guess what me losing focus diversifying I did not pay attention, I did not realize I was doing all of this on my own I did not have any support, no wife, no girlfriend, no family members to help me. I miscalculated my moves it become to much for me. I again I got overwhelmed the economy when down and I went down with it. I lost all my 8 homes, I did not know the meaning of being homeless before that I thought that being homeless was being living under a bridge or being in a homeless shelter. Until I did move in with a friend of mine live with him for a year. I was in my mid 30s broke and broke in every sense, monetary, economically, financially and emotionally. I was not half of a man. From giving my daughters a good life I could not give them 20 dollars per week. I definitely was not a good father definitely not; putting my children through made me a coward, a senseless selfish asshole. I was feeling low, sorry for myself and awful for not being there for my children. I was homeless, no work, no profession but I still had dreams I just need it to get through this, I embrace my broke-ness, I lived it, enjoy it, cried, slept in the floor in my office for 4 months, I live with my friend for a year and you know what? I did not blame anyone, no one but myself for wanting to achieve richness right away, I blame myself for relaxing, not paying attention, not building a solid foundation and losing focus. In my first fail tried in the late 90s I become addicted to reading to find ways to be a better overall person since then I do continue reading an average of a book per month some times one per week depends on the size of the book or how busy or not I am or how interested I am on the book, well the second time I failed I submerge myself in understanding why I went broke again. I grabbed a few books on being broke, and a few books on how to get up again. I did find three books that helped me, understand why and helped me to get up also I found 4 mentors. The key here guys was, that I was hungry I wanted answers and I got them. So after been on a 4 month depression I started to get back to work, and after two hard years I finally broke through since then and thanks to God for giving me those experiences and knowledge at the same time I have not look back it is been 8 years and no I am not relax, I am very focus and just I havent forgotten how tough It was for me and my daughters and I said never I again will I put my daughters through this. So I am still scare, watchful and focus. Aggressive and kind with all as you can see, I have not done what I have done overnight it has taken me 8 years and still growing and becoming more solid as time goes by. Now God has giving me another opportunity after losing it all, after been taken by life to the cleaners God gave me an other opportunity to become a real man, not whip or a pussy as I was and as many out there. Now God made me a mature and wiser man through hard experiences which I am so thankful because in my lows is when I have learned the most. Now everything I own, I owned free and clear no debt ZERO debt. My cars are paid, my houses are paid my expenses are minimum, my joy are my kids, traveling and eating out. All paid with no credit. Credit is good for the wise and rich people for who know how to use credit for their benefits and leverage from it. So what did you buy? What did you do that make more broke or kept you poor? Hopefully this helps you to reflect and take a better look at your habits and daily actions. Dont only have a great offense but also have a great defense. If you do not understand this last statement respectfully I tell you read, and keep getting educated. Keep grown and invest in yourself. But now what I mean when I say invest in yourself. A good dress is going to require a good pair of shoes, a good suit is going to require a great tie, an expensive house is going to require you to pay more taxes, an expensive car is going to require a better gasoline and higher insurance. What I mean is looking good in one times requires to buy more items around that item so you can complement all and look good overall. This making spend more, keeping you broke. The question is Can you afford it, to you have that extra cash and still save and invest. Good Luck! Cheer to your success!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 02:47:44 +0000

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