So what direction could MAM work toward that offers concrete - TopicsExpress


So what direction could MAM work toward that offers concrete results? There are some objectives that may help achieve these goals: 1. Starve the beast — not buying any products from Monsanto, which are listed above in the aforementioned. 2. Educate — give a pamphlet (linked below) to everyone you come into contact with about Monsanto and the list of their products and the dangers that they post. 3. Shop organic at your local farmers market — by doing this, you end the consumption of GMOs and you’re supporting your local farmers and community. 4. Contact your local and state representatives — urge them to end their ties with Monsanto if they’ve received campaign contributions from them, and urge them to support the repealing of the provisions of the Monsanto Protection Act. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) is trying to do just that. If you live in Oregon, call him and ask what you can do to help in his efforts. 5. Call or write to your local hardware stores – Home Depot, Lowes and any other store that carries Roundup and ask that they take the product off their shelves due to the profound dangers on the health of animals and people, as well as beneficial insects. It’s essential that we get as many people to contact these places to again, drain Monsanto’s earnings. If you’d like to use this pre-made letter to send, please feel free to use it. 6. Use the The Grocery Store Blacklist to inform yourself and those you know, and may not know, of the companies which fought to defeat Prop 37 to label GMOs, and the food companies to support, and those to not support who earned the right to be on the The Grocery Store Blacklist. 10 Simple Ways to Impact Monsanto’s Bottom Line graphic was created for anyone to download, which can be handed out at the next march and other places where people gather; grocery stores, hardware stores, church, apartment complex, event venues, etc. A coordinated effort to spread this message of boycotting Monsanto’s products and pushing for food freedom is the best chance to effect a change that this movement is trying to achieve. The object for these Call To Action points is to push Monsanto’s bottom line; the repercussions are that MON stocks fall, investors sell MON stocks, and they pull out of future investments of Monsanto stock and Monsanto plummets down into oblivion. The People sincerely have more power than they may think. To outsmart them, we must keep pressure on every key product that affects Monsanto’s profits. It’s already happening in the EU and other parts of the world. It’s going to be an uphill battle because as you know, Monsanto has infiltrated the very fabric of our democracy and colluding with politicians and governing agencies to push back anything that goes against their agenda of global food control. But, it is this challenge that millions are fighting for — for future generations to come to look back and say that what was done was for a noble cause — one that potentially saved the very existence of all mankind.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 16:49:17 +0000

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