So when the banias approach rulers of different countries to come - TopicsExpress


So when the banias approach rulers of different countries to come and rule India, they dispossess them of their wealth as a first step. They suffer from poverty and starvation. The Mecca people (the Moghuls) and then the Britishers came to India to rule this country. The Britishers are still ruling India. They will rule for some more time. Though their plight is a generation or two old, as they are conscious, yet it has been planted in their mind that they have been in this situation for a long long time. There was no dearth of money and wealth in any country. In fact all the countries had riches in abundance. Money or wealth cannot simply stage a walk out. In fact these saudagars have already possessed the real assets of the three empires and now they intend to possess the money which is with the people. They will make the kings and the rulers of other countries poor and bring them to India when they are on the verge of starvation. After they have come to India and established their rule in this country, their children will be done to death. I hope the people of the world including the Britishers must have heard that now the Russians are planning to come to India. Just think how do the Russians know about our country? How can people of other countries come to rule this country unless they are tempted to do so? They cannot come on their own. They will come in the same way as the Moghuls and the Britishers come here. The Russians too will come at the invitation of these banias. And come they will. For these banias might have grabbed their wealth two or three generations back. The remaining money will also be grabbed by them by way of trade and business. They will impoverish them too as they have impoverished others – the Moghuls and the Britishers. In their case too, the banias might have suggested to them that their poverty was age old. It is certain that they want to bring the Russians to rule India. I am cautioning you – the Hindus, the Muslims and the Britishers against the game plan of the banias. While I guard you against this diabolic practice, I want you to do something to do away with their sinful activity so that everybody is happy and all the countries enjoy prosperity. The diabolism practised by the banias in the present age has brought miseries to the humanity. When these foreign powers will rule this countries the miseries of the people will be multiplied by the activities of the banias. The Russians too, influenced by the banias, will not pay heed to the problems of the Indians – the Hindus and the Muslims. You should therefore impress upon the Russians and rulers of other countries not to fall in the trap of temptation laid by these banias. No rulers whether Hindu or Muslim has unrolled red carpet for these foreign rulers. It is these banias who conspired among themselves to bring rulers of other countries to wipe out the Hindus and Muslims of the country. They like, Ravana, Hiranyakashipu etc; intend to ruin all the countries by tempting their rulers to rule India. All of you – the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and others should therefore persuade the Russians to desist from the temptation of invading India. Take steps to dismantle the diabolic operation of these banias. Trust me and warn people against their diabolic literature. Try to discover the venue of their diabolic operation and dismantle it. That will provide a great deal of relief to one and all. If you fail to act, they will destroy the wisdom of the people by their diabolism and will create feuds among the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and others and people of all the countries will start fighting and killing each other. They bring foreigners to rule India. So some action is urgently needed to foil their designs. They are busy performing diabolic rites day and night. These banias have grabbed the treasures of the kings and the rulers. For this they cause Earth to split by their diabolism and then draw the wealth kept in their treasure-chests to the place of their diabolic rite. That place is located in an island. A number of people belonging to their clan are living there. They perform their diabolic rite. By tormenting eighty four lakh living beings on as many Kundis set up there. This ritual involves on expenditure of crores of rupees. The banias are spending their money in this ritual. That place where eighty four lakh Kundis are located is accessible to the banias and no one else. The island in which they are performing this mystic rite is surrounded by a vast expanse of the sea covering an area of thousands of miles. By means of their diabolism they have acquired huge wealth which is many times more than that in possession of all the kings and the rulers of the world. These banias by their diabolic power make people kill each other, and take away their thinking faculty so that they forget all about their hidden and readily available wealth. Why is it that once they had so much money and now very little of it has been left? This question does not seem to bother them. They are rather made to think that they have more money than their forefathers had. Even those who have very little money, think so. It is because the banias exert their diabolic influence in the people who think only on the line suggested to them. This is sheer trickery of the banias. Otherwise the fact is that once there was a surfeit of wealth in all the countries. So dear brethren, it is a fact that there was a time when you had immeasurable riches. But these banias have caused ruination to the whole world by their diabolic power and usurped the wealth. You, the people of the world are completely unaware of their evil designs. I happen to know about their diabolic practice because they have practised their diabolism on me causing me a lot of torment Shanishchara was similarly tortured by Ravana. My concern for humanity has motivated me to caution the people of the world against the diabolism of these banias so that the impending danger could be avoided. In fact this age-old practice of diabolism was started by the banias themselves. One can deduce from this that the end of Ravana and others might have been caused by the banias by means of their diabolism. I am not unaware of their secret. They have tormented me and that’s why I know for certain that this black art was originated by them. To substantiate this surmise I can say that these banias might be making use of the kings and the rulers for effecting their diabolic operation so that their role is not known to the people. Only a fragment of their sinful act is assigned to others while the substance remains with them. Accordingly, they might have taught Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun and others only a part of their diabolism while keeping the essential part of this operation unto themselves. Then this is to be noted that those who practised diabolism in the earlier times were exposed and people of the whole world finished off the perpetrators of this sinful act as well as the sin itself. They did not spare even the children of the sinners so that nobody will ever practice diabolism in the world and people live a happy and prosperous life. But diabolism is still being practised and nothing has been done to dismantle it as I have already said. If it was not their doing they would not have continued with that and they would think that like Ravana and others they would be done to death if they dared practice this sinful activity. Clearly this sinful activity is the handiwork of these people. They do not want to be the practitioners of this sin and so they teach this black art to others. As such they remain unblemished while the axe falls on the children of others. Thus they are practising this sinful activity ceaselessly by using others as front. They already have ruined this country by their diabolism and now they intend to ruin other countries. I know this fact because they have tormented me by their diabolism in a variety of ways. That’s how I come to know about their secret ritual about which I have written in detail. Unfortunately, so the Hindus and the Muslims of this country are completely unaware of it. People do not bother to think about nor do they believe in what is told to them. They behave like a drunkard who cannot think properly. Such a person is not aware of what is happening to him, nor can he perform any of his domestic duties. The diabolism has impacted people’s mind so much that they are unable to identify the sinful activity of the banias in spite of my telling them about it. People are suffering day in and day out on account of the diabolism of these saudagars. Through all others are as humankind As these saudagars are, yet they do not know the secret of the diabolic practice of the saudagars. They pretend to be friendly with others but would not let anybody know about their diabolism. They have destroyed the wisdom of the people of the world and so they (the people) do not have any inkling of the activities of the banias. They do not suspect them either. The banias have set up their business establishments in different countries of the world. The way they have destroyed the wisdom of the people of India, they would in the same way destroy the thinking faculty of the people in other parts of the world by their demoniac power. None of you will ever know about their mysterious way, nor will you doubt their intention. Therefore, I want to forewarn you about their motive and tell you that they have acquired a magic power by means of which they can secretly take away the wealth of any country they choose. Before that they captivate the thinking faculty of the people of that country as a result of which they forget all about their nation’s wealth. They will soon destroy the thinking faculty of the people in those countries and ruin them, just as they did with the people of the India. They will then rule the world. They have not shown any consideration for those who were born in their country, how can then they show any kindness to the people of other parts of the world? They will rather ruin you (the people of the world) and continue to practice diabolism unhindered. They won’t disclose it either. Like Ravana, their objective is to rule throughout the length and breadth of the world. Like Ravana, they are performing a mystic site across the seas. They will ruin all the kings and the rulers in all the seven or eight continents including the Britishers. In order to cloak their activities, they will motivate the people of the world to practice a bit of this mystic site and guide them in this activity. People will then follow suit. They think that when the world will know about this practice of diabolism, nobody will know about their role in it. People would rather take it as their own doing and would do nothing to stop it. Thus their sinful activity will continue and flourish. If at all it comes to light, those practising it at their instance will be held responsible and like the children of Ravana and Hiranyakashipu, only their children will be done to death. With this intention these saudagars are teaching their black art to the people of other countries, while keeping themselves at a safe distance. They keep the ‘essential part’ of their sinful act unto themselves and would not let anybody get wind of it. They neither teach that ‘essential part’ nor disclose it to anybody. I know about it because they have tormented me by their diabolism. I feel concerned for the children of the world and therefore it’s my humble submission to the people of all the continents that the so called religious texts that are found in the homes of the Hindus and the Muslims are full of ominous predictions such as man will eat up man. These books are the product of the banias who have surreptitiously mentioned the names of the pious ancestors of both communities and placed these books in their homes. People are blindly following these books. Little do they realize that they are the product of the mahajans who have already ruined India by their diabolism and now they intend to ruin other countries as well. I am deeply concerned to find that till now you people do not have any idea about the secret designs of these banias. I tell you, the people of all the seven or eight continents, that all the calamities of the world including premature deaths are due to the diabolism being practised by the banias. A lot of damage has already been done to India and whatever is left will soon be ruined by them. That’s why I want to caution you against their evil designs. Try to understand what I am telling you and do not fall prey to their temptation. Rather be resolute to dismantle their diabolic operation so that all of us – people of all the continents are relieved of their atrocities. If it is not done, the saudagars will ruin the whole world by their diabolic power and the predictions made in these books will come true. When all the seven or eight continents have been ruined, these saudagars will rule the world. That is the purpose behind their practising diabolism. It is therefore incumbent on you – the people of all the countries including the Britishers to take steps to dismantle their sinful operation in the interest of the safety and wellbeing of your children. Only then the people of India will get rid of the sinful web of these banias. Otherwise there is no hope. Because they have captivated the intellect of all the kings and rulers the latter do not understand the gravity of the situation. The banias have spoiled the thinking of all of you living in different countries because they want to rule the whole world unchallenged. You people whose intellect has been captivated by them do not try to find out where the gold and silver mines, which once were there, have gone. Earth is the same but mines have disappeared. Where? Why don’t you search for them? Nobody in any country seems to be doing so. They do not even think why and how those mines have disappeared. It is glaring negligence on your part. You do not feel like doing so because the banias have brainwashed you. Rather you seem to believe that there never were these mines. Let me tell you that these mines of gold and silver were very much there in every country from time immemorial. These mines served as the essential fat in the body of Earth. But ever since these banias have started the diabolic rite targeted against Mother Earth, the essential fat of Earth has dried up and as a result Mother Earth is suffering a lot. Earth has lost her productivity. There is not enough food. Very frequently drought and famine are occurring. This is all due to diabolism. If there is good rainfall, they cause some abnormality which upsets the digestive system of Earth resulting in overall weakness, and as such production of food grains and other items of human consumption has gone down. This is comparable to a situation in which a person afflicted by some disease can neither eat nor work properly. Even if he eats food he cannot digest it. He suffers a lot and becomes unfit for doing anything. Similarly, Mother Earth is suffering from a number of ailments and has become unfit for producing things. These saudagars are increasing the intensity of their diabolic rite against Mother Earth and as a result she is losing her productivity. In the situation people of the world will have nothing to eat. When there will be no food man will eat man. All these frightening prognoses are given in these books, namely Avatar Charitra and others. In order to hide their identity and also their activities, these saudagars have given the names of the sages of the ancient times as the writers of these books. They are adopting the same tactics as Ravana did when he circulated books to spread his network of diabolism operation and placed them in the hands of the great sages ascribing their authorship to the ancestors of those sages. The same kind of network has been spread by these saudagars after the death of Raja Bal by circulating books and almanacs of demoniac content among the Brahmans and the ruling elite whose ancestors are credited with their authorship. People of the world regard these books as their religious texts and follow them. They do not realize that these books are the product of the saudagars and the names of their ancestors given in them are meant to deceive them and to keep their sinful activity as a closely guarded secret. They are performing the mystic rite in order to ruin the world. The books such as Avatar Charitra make ominous predictions of a frightening time which I cannot write about over and over again. It is such a depressing experience to read the contents of these books that I feel like ending my life by consuming poison rather than staying alive to witness that horrible time. People do not understand the gravity of situation in spite of my trying hard, though they know it well that things are getting from bad to worse day by day. We hear of moral values becoming the casualty but nobody seems to bother. I want that the rulers and the common people of the world should listen to me and unitedly take all possible steps to put an end to the diabolic operation of these saudagars. Then nobody will die at a young age as is happening now owing to the diabolism of the saudagars. People know it and still they are suffering silently. They are treating the contents of these books as the world of God. They trust their authenticity. The predictions of calamities and miseries made in these books are converted into a reality by Them (the saudagars) by performing diabolic rite. Thus these books win the trust of the people. My dear brethren, you have faith in these books which predict miseries and misfortunes. Let me tell you these books are not the creation of God. They are the creation of these saudagars who have cunningly given the names of the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims as their authors. The purpose is that in case an attempt is made to trace the source of these books, nobody will hold them responsible for this and others will share the blame. Brothers! The predictions in these books by themselves will have no effect. But the diabolic rite being performed by the banias on the eighty four lakh Kundis filled with blood and pus, located at an island across the seas causes miseries and misfortunes. The people of the world believe that the place where these eighty four lakh Kundis are located is either Swarga (heaven) or Naraka (hell). I want to tell them that there is no such thing as the Swarga or Naraka. It is only Mother Earth everybody knows about. It is the diabolism of the banias which causes miseries in the world and makes the ominous predictions of the books a reality. The Avatar Charitra, for instance, predicts that a frightening time is about to come. Accordingly, the banias will perform a ritual to that effect. Now that I am cautioning the people of the world telling them openly about the sinful acts of the banias, they are not prepared to listen to me. They believe in the prognoses made in the books and are not convinced that the banias have a hand in them. They say that these prognoses have been made by their own ancestors. The reason is simple. The banias, by their diabolic power have captivated the wisdom of the people who think that these books of demoniac content belong to their own ancestors. Dear brothers, these books do not belong to you. They are the product of the banias. Since they do not want their role to be exposed, they have mentioned the names of your ancestors as their authors. Ravana had adopted similar modus operandi. You should therefore avoid reading these books and ask others who have these books to treat them with the contempt they deserved. Once their diabolic operation is dismantled, it will be a great relief to the people of the world. It is therefore my humble request to the British rulers to have trust in me. I have equal respect for all the rulers of the world including the Indian rulers who are my protectors. And so I tell them that this ancient black art is practised secretly by the Indian mahajans or saudagars. They are practising this black magic non-stop but nobody has noticed their involvement in it. The saudagars had shared their knowledge of diabolism, albeit partly, with Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun, Prithivi Raj Chauhan and others telling them that by practising it they will be able to establish their rule all over the universe. So they share only part of their knowledge with others while retaining its core unto themselves. The demon kings and others who had picked up this art from the saudagars thought that they were the originators of this diabolic practice and not the real culprits – the banias. Thus Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun, Prithivi Raj Chauhan and others were caught in this web and killed, while the saudagars escaped unhurt. Let us ponder over the fact that others who too are humankind like the saudagars and mahajans could never get wind of their secret activity. It was they who had to bear the brunt of people’s wrath. Those who had picked up a fraction of the diabolic practice from the saudagars, their names have been associated with this sinful activity. This is how these saudagars ignite the fire and manage to remain unscathed. Others are ruined as a result of infighting while the real culprits are revered as the pious and upright persons. People do not know about their network of sin nor will they ever come to know. Thus hundreds of innocent people have been done to death for the sins of these banias. Their sin is continuing unabated and no one has even a lurking suspicion about their misdeeds. Like Ravana, these saudagars plan to delude the people of all the 7-8 continents so that they continue to remain in dark. I therefore forewarn you – the people of all the countries and continents including the British people against the diabolic practice of the banias which has taken a toll of hundreds of people in India. Their next target is the people of rest of the countries including the British. They may even teach you some rudiments of their diabolic practice. However, they will never tell you the crucial part of it. It is also not surprising that they may have not. In fact, they tell others that the Britishers are demons and it is they who practice diabolism as a result of which there is scanty rainfall; people have lost their sense of judgement and epidemics have broken out. The banias perform the actual rite themselves but in order to avoid the focus of attention on them, they discreetly teach others some part of it by giving them the temptation of ruling the land. They fall in the trap and, like Ravana, start practising diabolism. It is however not known how they teach others this black art. There is no knowing of the secret designs of these wretched saudagars. They are many and varied. These saudagars encourage others to learn this black art and to create their own Swarga (a place of ritual). Gripped by the temptation they learn it a little bit and think that they are the actual practitioners of diabolism. They do not realize that they have been deluded and the core of diabolism is in the custody of the banias. Even the great sages of the earlier times knew nothing about it. Rather they were caught in the web and killed. Ravana, Hiranyakashipu and others were also under the misconception that they were the real operator of diabolism and so they had a tragic end. The practice of diabolism which had destroyed the intellect of even the divine souls, is known all over the world. Ravana, Hiranyakashipu and others who thought that the Swarga was their creation become a victim of their avarice, while the real perpetrators of the sin were unharmed. Those who picked up this black art from the banias were killed and their names have stuck to this nefarious practice. At the behest of the banias, they indulged in the sinful activity which brought disaster to them and their offspring. When none of them could get at the secret of their diabolic rite, how can you then have access to it? They will create confusion in your mind and you-the Britishers will begin to aspire to rule the entire universe. They will impair your thinking and in that state of delusion you will set up the Swarga-Naraka (the infrastructure) of the diabolic rite at their behest. May be you have already done so. But even if you have not, they will make you do it now. One thing you do not think about is that diabolism has the power to destroy the intellect of the people of the world. You do not think that your thinking power has been destroyed by diabolism. In earlier times a number of Kings and rulers were killed as a result of this diabolic practice. No one could put an end to this sinful activity. You must realize that it is these mahajans who have caused death to the holy men of earlier eras by their mystic rite. They will now kill you-the British people. Bereft of the thinking faculty, you do not suspect that they might kill you too. You have come from a foreign land and so you are not familiar with their lanes and by lanes. So when they caused death to the people of their own country by their diabolism and the people were totally in the dark about it. How can you then expect to discover their secret activity? Rather they will cause delusion and death to you by their diabolism just as they did with Ravana and Hiranyakashipu. When only a few people will be left in India and in other countries, they will establish their empire. That’s why I am making an appeal to the people of different countries including the British people to arise and dismantle the sinful operation of the banias. That alone will guarantee the safety and security of the children of India, otherwise there is no hope whatsoever. They are cunning enough not to execute their plan directly. Instead, they teach rulers of other countries their black art and motivate them to annihilate a large section of population by stirring their greed to rule this country. After these foreign rulers have ruled the country for two to three or even ten generations, they are betrayed and rulers of some other country are set upon them. Supported by these unscrupulous people, the rulers of some other country decimate their predecessors and establish their own rule. The new rulers rejoice their achievement while the condition of the vanquished rulers becomes so pitiable that their children face acute destitution. Now that I have disclosed the nefarious designs of these saudagars, they will now fuddle your mind and make you practice diabolism. Like this they will destroy all the countries to usurp political and economic power. In the interest of your own children you should not fall in the trap of these unscrupulous banias by practising diabolism. Instead, you should make efforts to dismantle their sinful operation. If as a result of diabolic operation there will be few people left in the world who will then come to the rescue of your children. Therefore you should immediately put an end to this nefarious practice. As long as your children are safe, you will be remembered by people. An offspring signifies continuity or immortality. The human race will remain as long as Earth and the sky exist. Since the time this Kafir Vidya (the science of the infidel) started people have been dying without an offspring. They die at a very young age. This is all due to diabolism. The proliferation of snakes, scorpions and insects inside Earth is the result of a variety of diseases. These insects eat into the Earth’s innards and make her hollow. It can be likened to a situation in which a human being afflicted by some disease develops thousands of worms and insects in his abdomen. They cause him a lot of suffering. Besides, trees and food grains are also damaged by the insects. Diabolism is the root cause of this environmental disaster. Prognoses to this effect are made in the almanacs etc. which are read out by the Brahmins. God has created human beings, animals and birds. He will never cause any suffering to them. There was a time when a lion and a goat (the most ferocious and the meekest) flocked together. This bonhomie is missing today. The reason is not far to seek. These saudagars have spoiled the thinking of all living beings by their diabolic power and divested them of the feelings of compassion, love and affection. My concern for the wellbeing of your children has driven me to educate you about the black magic being practised by the mahajans. I want you to believe me and take action to wipe out their sin so that your children may live in peace. By so doing you will be avoiding disaster that may befall people of other countries. Your concerted efforts can yield the desired result. In fact, these banias are the culprits of the people of all the countries including you the British people. If somebody derives an authority to rule from the King or from the Panchas (people’s representatives), that system of governance is lasting and permanent because the Panchas who treat the poor with equity and justice and therefore are vested with divine grace, entrust this authority to one who is upright. But these banias have unholy designs. They use the person or persons in authority to destroy others so that they and their descendants earn a bad name. As for themselves, the saudagars remain unscathed. Ravana, Hiranyakashipu and others had captivated the wisdom of the people by means of diabolism and so to the people at large, they appeared saintly and virtuous. In the same way these saudagars too have deluded people who find these traders very pious and virtuous. To show to the world these saudagars give protection to animals and perform religious and charitable deeds, so that their sinful activities do not come to light. As a matter of fact, they are indulging in a secret activity across the seas. People talk of the Swarga and the Naraka where, they say, are located eighty four lakh Kundis filled with blood and pus. In fact, there is no such thing as the Swarga or the Naraka. Of course, these traders and moneylenders, like Ravana and Hiranyakashipu, are actually performing diabolic rite on the eighty four lakh Kundis, filled with pus and blood, to curse the whole world. As a result, the world has to suffer from miseries and misfortune. These saudagars keep the core of their knowledge of the ancient art of diabolism in their safe custody and teach its rudiments to the rulers of other communities, who, under misconception, take pride in having built a Swarga of diabolism. Little do they realize that they are not the main operator of this sinful practice – and that they have picked up a fragment of it from someone else. The mahajans have done so in order to keep their position anonymous so that their children do not become the victim of people’s wrath. They want that harm should come to the children of those who have learnt this black art from them. That was actually the purpose of these saudagars to teach others this practice. But people do not realize it in spite of the fact That at least eight rulers belonging to the Hindu as well as the Muslim community have lost their life as a result of this diabolic practice. They had been taught a small portion of this sinful practice by the saudagars, who had first captivated their intellect so that they would not know about the motive behind it. About eight to nine Hindu and Muslim rulers have been killed but this practice has not stopped. These rulers have earned a bad name for having practised diabolism. The diabolism has taken the life of Ravana and others and still it is flourishing. The point is that if the practitioners of diabolism have all been killed, how is it that this sinful art is still continuing. The fact is that the actual practitioners of this ancient art of diabolism have not been killed. Only those have been destroyed who had learnt a bit of it from the saudagars. So this ancient black magic belongs to the banias, which is why this practice is still continuing. After a break of a couple of generations, they resume it afresh. However, nobody has come to know as to who are the real perpetrators of this sinful act. Since these saudagars have tormented me by their diabolism, it is absolutely clear that this ancient practice of diabolism is the creation of these banias and not Ravana. It is these saudagars who had surreptitiously taught Ravana and others some part of their diabolic operation. Trapped by these saudagars Ravana and others started practising diabolism and as a consequence lost their life. They incurred the displeasure of the people of the world when they practised diabolism. So people killed them. Now I want to tell the rulers of all the countries about the ancient art of diabolism practised by these saudagars. They will teach people of all the seven-eight continents including the Britishers a little bit of diabolism and will rule the world when others will have been ruined. As Ravana and others had earned a bad name, so will the people of the whole world be condemned. Therefore you should dismantle the diabolic operation of these saudagars so that people will lead a happy life. This ancient black art belongs to these saudagars. They have not left this sinful activity. They do not tell the truth because they practice diabolism secretly and people of their community are directly involved in it. They have not stopped practising this age art of black magic. They would not tell the truth. They are indulging in this secret activity with the assistance of people of their own community. An undisclosed island in the midst of an ocean spreading in an area of thousands of miles is the venue of their diabolic operation. What is described by the Hindus as well as the Muslims as the Swarga and the Naraka with the eighty four lakh Kundis filled with pus and blood, is in fact the diabolic operation of these saudagars. With the help of this diabolic practice they brainwash the people who under that influence cannot have access to the reality. If somebody ventures into the sea, his ship is not allowed to go near their territory. They create severe pain in Earth’s abdomen by their diabolic power with the result that the ship is trapped in the tornado and destroyed. This situation is comparable to a man with a disturbed stomach due to illness. The disturbed stomach of Earth causes high tidal waves in the sea. If the sea was not afflicted by the curse of diabolism, it would remain placid and no tidal waves would rise, nor would there be any tornado. But these banias are performing diabolic rite day and night to curse Mother Earth. This results in tornados and quakes. They have captivated the wisdom of the common people as well as the kings and the rulers of the world. In the ancient times both the sun and the moon rose in full glory in a regulated manner. The day began with the rising of the sun and it ended with the rising of the moon – the full moon. It is said that during the Sat-yuga the full moon used to rise every night. Since the time, they have started practising diabolism to curse the moon, it has stopped appearing in full glory. They start this ritual from the first day of the first fortnight. On the first day the intensity of the rite is very low. So the reduction in the shape of the moon is minute. The second day the intensity is slightly increased resulting in proportional reduction in the moon’s size. The third day the intensity is further increased which further reduces the size of the moon. This goes on till the fifteenth day – the Amawas (moon less night) when the intensity is at its peak resulting in total disappearance of the moon. The night is dark. In the next fortnight this practice is reversed. The intensity of the diabolic rite is gradually reduced from the first day of the second fortnight. The appearance of the moon starts increasing. Every next day the moon becomes bigger as a result of further decrease in the intensity of the diabolic rote. Finally on the day of Poonam (the full moon night) the diabolic rite is given a break resulting in the appearance of full moon. Then they cause eclipse. In that case if the intensity of their diabolic rite is just half a half of the moon’s face is eclipsed. If the intensity is increased, there is proportionate increase in the eclipsed part of the moon. It is like a man suffering from migraine. Similarly, they have caused migraine to Mother Earth which remains all the twelve months of the year except on the Poonam. On that day the moon appears in full. They have spread all kinds of stories relating to this aspect. They say that the dark moonless night has been granted to the thieves on their demand. According to another story the daughters-in-law have asked for a dark night. These banias are causing eclipse to the moon and the sun exactly in the same way as Ravana did. So eclipses are happening as always. The moon reduces and then increases gradually and the almanacs etc. say about it. These almanacs etc. tell us twelve months in advance as to when the solar and the lunar eclipses will take place. These almanacs have been circulated by the mahajans. Earlier Ravana had produced and circulated such almanacs. When the scourge of this irreligious practice is brought to an end, then alone the full moon will appear in the sky as it appeared during the Sat-yuga. The empty clouds remain in the sky for as many as ten to fifteen days. There is no rain. As a result, human beings suffer from various diseases and crops are damaged. Mother Earth quite often suffers from this disease. As a man suffering from flatulence, experiences contraction in his body and pain in his ribs. In the same way Mother Earth is afflicted by the disease of the empty clouds. Food grains and cereals get damaged. They make predictions in the almanacs etc. to the effect that food grains will be afflicted by diseases. Crops and vegetation will be burnt. They create cold wave which destroys all vegetation. This happens when they perform diabolic rite to curse Earth. They have caused a variety of diseases to Mother Earth and so she has lost strength. The gold and silver mines inside her have dried up and have disappeared. When they cause innumerable diseases to Mother Earth, people think that it is an act of God. A man suffering from some disease experiences unbearable pain in his body. Similarly, Mother Earth suffers from severe pain when some disease is caused to her. But the wisdom of the people has been captivated to the extent that when they split Earth and uproot trees by causing strong winds or when they cause ‘acidity’ and indigestion to the sea-water by their diabolic power, the people describe these disasters as an act of God. However, nobody knows that Earth is a living being. The banias have so much brainwashed the people that they have forgotten about the existence of Mother Earth. The body and soul of Mother Earth are undergoing a great deal of suffering but nobody knows that this suffering has been caused by the diabolism of the banias. Mother Earth is a living being but the people whose thinking power has been destroyed by the banias with their diabolic power, cannot think so. They do not think for a moment as to where the gold and silver mines of Earth have gone because Earth is the same as she was before. It is all due to lack of their thinking faculty, that they do not bother about it. The gold and silver mines served as the essential fat in the body of Earth. This fat has dried up owing to Earth’s illness. The gold and silver mines are nowhere to be seen. The people of India have been deprived of their thinking power but people and the rulers of other countries too do not seem to bother their heads as to why it is that though Earth is the same as before, the gold and silver mines have disappeared. Ravana had captivated the intellect of the people of all the three worlds and so they had lost their traditional knowledge about Earth’s existence. Similarly, these saudagars have spoiled the intellect of the people of all the seven-eight continents and so none of them has any knowledge about Earth’s existence as a living organism. Earlier, when mines were there, people need not accumulate money. They could simply dig it up as one digs up earth and stones whenever they needed money. Now Earth no more has so much wealth that one can dig it up easily to meet one’s needs. However at some places people have attempted to dig up gold but a lot of money is spent in this process. Sometimes the yield is one rupee and four annas and the cost of this exercise is one rupee. But mostly against the cost of one rupee the yield is twelve annas and even less. So people have stopped this exercise. Most of the money is in the possession of the banias and whatever is left will soon be grabbed by them. Then the richest among the kings all over the world will hold a seer (about a Kg.) of bronze. Just imagine the richest man possessing only a seer of bronze. With that wealth in his possession how will he give charity, meet his daily expenses and maintain an army? It is said that in the Kaliyuga the situation will be so bad that a man owning a seer of bronze will be called a rich man. These stories have been circulated by the banias, who have associated with them the names of the ancient sages the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims so that they remain themselves unidentified. Earlier there were enough number of gold and silver mines and people used to dig up the metal to meet their requirements. It was possible because then Earth’s body was fresh and healthy and fat had not yet dried up. Since the time, these saudagars have started practising diabolism, Earth has been suffering from a number of diseases with the result that fat in her body, known to the people as mines of gold and silver has dried up. They will not let the money of other countries remain there. It is like this. Sometimes a man suffers from a disease in which the swelling or injury makes the blood rush from head to feet or vice-versa. The saudagars cause sickness to Earth by their diabolic power. Thus Earth suffers from a number of diseases. But you people are completely unaware of it. You do not know that these saudagars can split Earth and draw out money from any place by their diabolic power just as they can make a temple appear at a place different from its original location. These saudagars cause pain and suffering to Mother Earth in order to draw out money and wealth stored at a faraway place. This is a kind of disease caused to Mother Earth similar to an ailment of a human being due to problems like flatulence. Mother Earth suffers from such ailments when the saudagars perform diabolic rite to curse her. The body of Mother Earth is just like a human body. When they cause this ailment to Mother Earth by practising the diabolic rite, her suffering is comparable to that of a human being a afflicted by flatulence. This innumerable ailments have been caused to Mother earth by the banias who practice diabolism for this purpose. As a result, Mother Earth has lost her strength with the drying up of the essential fat in her body. Now that the gold and silver mines are nowhere to be found, wherefrom will you people all over the world get money? In the absence of these mines of precious metals, money transaction is not possible. If there were these mines you could dig up the metal just as one digs up earth and stones. But since the mines have dried up where can you get it from? As for the money which still is there, the saudagars with their diabolic power will not let it remain with any one of you. How will then you and your children make both ends meet? When none of you will have any money, you – the people of the world will come in the grip of these saudagars. Then they will deal with you the way they liked. Brethren! That life of slavery would not be worth living. So long as the diabolic operation of these saudagars is not exposed they will live a life of the poor and devout persons. If their activities come to light, people will force them to stop their evil practice. But their black magic has many forms and facets which are difficult to be detected. Earlier they had taught Ravana a small part of their diabolic operation. When Ravana practised it and was subsequently caught, the people of the world, in order to save their children from disaster, punished him with death. Afraid of the disastrous end of Ravana and others, these saudagars are very careful not to be exposed. Instead, they teach rulers of other communities their black art partially thinking that if people come to know about diabolism being practised, they will hold the new practitioners responsible for this sinful activity and kill them along with their offspring. Thus they teach others part of their sinful activity while they themselves practice it in its real form which creates disastrous situation in the world. If they do not involve others in this sinister game, their nefarious role may be exposed. That’s why they teach others their black art. They preferably teach rulers of other communities so that they will be the culprit in the eyes of the people. Nobody, however, suspects the saudagars. Others who have been taught by these saudagars do not think that the saudagars have surreptitiously taught them this sinful activity with ulterior motive. These people do not realize that the saudagars have captivated their wisdom and that they have taught them a bit of their diabolic practice with the intention of ruining them. These thoughts do not come to them because they have lost their thinking ability. Dear brethren! These saudagars work out their plan in a way that they teach others their sinful practice so that they remain unharmed while children of others are doomed. They welcome if a poor man learns it. They are all the more happy if the kings or the rulers could be motivated to learn and practice this sinful act of diabolism. Because then there is no fear of their being exposed and thus people of their community will not be harmed, while people belonging to other communities will bear the brunt of people’s wrath. For motivating people to learn the abhorrent practice of diabolism they approach them in the grab of a Sadhu or a faqir and suggest them to learn it from books on this subject. However these books give truncated information of this art. But people of other communities and castes do not for a moment think that these books of mystic practices, which teach them only partially the art of diabolism, may have been given to them with the motive of ruining them. These unscrupulous banias have very cleverly given the names of the kings and rulers of other communities and of the Sadhus and faqirs in these books which in fact they have produced and circulated. All believe in these books. The actual authors of these books do not mention their names in them and instead fraudulently attribute them to man of other communities. Obviously, a person committing theft will never say that he has committed this crime. He will blame some other person. Likewise, these banias, in order to keep their sinful activities within the cloak of secrecy, mention the names of people of other communities instead of their own. If a person declares that he has committed the crime, then he will be caught and punished. It is for this reason that the banias do not give their names in these books of mysticism for fear of being punished. Instead, they have given in them the names of the kings and common subjects belonging to communities different from their own so that their own community is not harmed.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 07:45:34 +0000

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