So why must Ukraine move to Europe well its simple theres no - TopicsExpress


So why must Ukraine move to Europe well its simple theres no reason to think that the result will be any different for Ukraine then it has been for any other post-soviet state. Another thing is when it comes to Russia why is it people in the UK and elsewhere believe the propaganda coming out of the Kremlin that Russian economy is good it is not very good at all and this is why Russia is trying to make Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and with other post-soviet nations! (also trying very hard to pull Ukraine into this Union) Typical classical Russian arrogance earlier this year, an aide to President Putin described the UK as a small island that no one pays any attention to. In fact, as the economist Christopher Smallwood quickly pointed out, that small island of UK. puts out a gross domestic product of about $2.5 trillion compared to Russia’s small output of $2 trillion. The UK alone has a GDP larger than Russias from a population less than half its size. I think that shows us how sad Russian GDP really is. When it comes to Europe output and GDP Russia can just dream it will come there one day hehehehe So Russia is not the wealthy big boy AS SHE LIKES TO MAKE her self look like and not as stable politically as the EU. And this is why she needs the THE OLD POST SOVIET STATS and why she is setting up this Customs Union and why she is making this CIS free trade area and why she made the military defense union the (CSTO) Collective Security Treaty Organization (Seven ex .CIS member states, are all ready in on it namely Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Armenia, have enhanced their military cooperation) The truth is Russia for all its propaganda is economy and military weak without its post-soviet nations support and ex KGB Putin know all about it. This is why he needs Ukraine more then Ukraine needs him. Lets look at some exs. of the post-sovet nations that did go to the EU and NATO. 1. Since 2003, and especially after the Baltic States joined the EU in 2004, all three economies witnessed an unprecedented and unexpected growth cycle, resulting in dynamic increases in GDP. From 2003 growth rates reached about 8% to 12% year to year. Also Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are very often described as the “Economic Baltic Miracles” or “The Baltic economic Tigers,” Eastern Europe and the Baltic states people have now a longer life expectancy than before, health care, social benefit and education have all gone up in the ranking list with the WHO.World Health Organization. Most people from Ukraine will and can easily see the quality of life improvements in neighboring Poland and the Baltic States when they are on holiday. (even in romania one of the last to join up there is major improvement in all areas of standard of living and economy) The economic world crisis was a prob. for the EU, Poland, and the Baltic States and all other new and old members of the EU just like any other nation in the world at the time why will the EU be any different not even japan got away from the economic world crisis but things are now improving for the most part it takes some time that all. But it will have been a lot worse for Poland, Baltic States and all other new members, if they was not members of the EU. And out of all the Baltic states only Latvia need a rescue package from IMF. The economic world crisis did not result in a weakening of the pro-European course of the Baltic States. All of the Baltics remain supporters of closer European integration and solidarity, because from their perspective the EU and NATO still remain guarantors of their security, especially in respect to Russia aggressive attitude to the Baltic states independence as Russia see their independence as some sort of prob. and stands in the way of Russians and Putins dream of one big great Slavic world and control of all of eastern Europe . The Baltic and other ex- soviet states also remain supporters of closer European integration and solidarity because they see that quality of life in their nations improving year for year. By 2007, all post-Soviet states that have joins the EU have reached GDP greater than what they had in 1991 (1991 fall of the soviet evil state) Post -Sovet states that had not joined the EU like Moldova, Ukraine, Belorussia and others have in most cases significantly low level of GDP. in comparison with the nations that did join the EU and that is the facts !!!!!!!! So easy conclusion if you are with Putins Russia you stay-where Russia wants you and that is down in the shit so they and Putin can control you ! If Ukraine moves to Europe and tells Russia bye bye dasvidaniya comrade it will most likely get a better economy (GDP) than they have achieved up to now beening indirectly under Russian control ! And this IS the facts there is no reason to think that Europe will not be good for Ukraine economic as the EU has been very good for all other post-Soviet states that have join its ranks. focus-economics/en/economy/region-outlook/Eastern_Europe
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 01:15:47 +0000

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