SofiProFXmedia Article on Tanzanian Road - TopicsExpress


SofiProFXmedia Article on Tanzanian Road Safety __________________________ Thursday, 11 September 2014 __________________________ There has been on a rise a number of disturbing videos that show Tanzanian communities beat thieves to death even others have been set them alight using highly flammable fuels to death. Seeing all these I begin to wonder why such people who have faith and trust in their nguvu ya dola (power of state) would behave in like manner? I have yet to get all answers that suffice my questions. Again there has been a rampant leap of a recent on road accidents that have claimed hundreds of Tanzanian lives. Talking of public transport, I am sure citizens; individually as well as communities, have a real feel of the the human cost and community devastation brought about by these road accidents. The recent on-head bus collisions in Musoma, the aftermath accident of the Dar to Tabora bus at Kiegeya Gairo on Monday 8 September 2013 and many more are irritating people as individuals as well as communities. The safety standards demonstrated by bus and truck drivers while on the highway roads of Tanzania question their professionalism and integrity of their careers. On the other side of this argument people begin to question whether if at all there are any functional processes that guarantees the road safety of our Tanzanian public. Can those processes be deemed trust worthy? Sights on the road (vituko vya barabarani) such as buses full of people overtaking on awkward bents, blind spots, driving on wrong lanes, exhausted drivers seen driving many miles without any assistance and the over speeding business are clearly evident. Now when should Tanzanian public begin seeing change in attitude? What if the frustrated, angry public embark on wrong resolutions of employing methods such as they are using to exterminate thieves; burning other human beings alive? Will there be any nguvu ya dola that will be able to cease such moves and how prompt should they be? I am just thinking aloud! God forbid that these evils should befall on our soil but we must begin to do something before then. This is not about witch hunt business here but a wake up call for us all. We cannot continue in foolishness that leads to human catastrophe. Speeding, nonsense overtaking, talking on a handheld phone while driving and of sort are not rocket science. We as community can stop them and stop them now if we want to. My call to the Tanzanian general public is that we need to do better than just seat back, fringe and watch life perishing. Road devastation is real and at our door steps. This is not about dreaming, or Hollywood bad movie. It is affecting us. It is destroying us while we sit and watch. Authorities need to engage better with their communities than show hopelessness. These accidents are not isolated incidents but rather systematic events. The change MUST come and it MUST come now! Posted By Mak_ CEO and Creative Director. Edited By Dr Tegemea Champanda SofiProFXmedia
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:17:13 +0000

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