Some people dont like the thought of marriage. Maybe because - TopicsExpress


Some people dont like the thought of marriage. Maybe because theyre scared or because their family had had bad divorces and they dont ever wanna go through it. But Ive thought about how cool it would be to marry your best friend. To grow together physically and emotionally. To be able to know eachother inside and out. All their flaws and insecurities that make then who they are. And the more time you spend together the more you understand about them that makes you love them even more. It would be so cool to have someone that understands you at any given point of the day. Someone who knows what youre like on your best days and on your worst. Someone who knows what youre like when you first wake up and who knows how crazy and goofy you get after 2 in the morning cuz youre so tired you cant sleep. Someone who knows how you like to be held and knows how to make yoi smile. Someone who knows what your favorite kind of kisses are. Alot of people are scared of getting old. But wouldnt it be nice to grow old with someone that sometimes you just just wanna strangle but you know you couldnt live without em? Lol and and then having children with that person and finally realize what your parents were talking about when they said one day when you have your own kids youll realize why I was so hard on you :P getting to raise a little you mixed with a little of your significant other. I think that would be so awesome. To grow through hell and back with that person but never leave because theyre the one that completes you and you know for awe fact that no one could make you feel the way he/she does. Its my goal to have something like this.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 20:42:37 +0000

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