Some people see you happy and successful and smile in your face - TopicsExpress


Some people see you happy and successful and smile in your face and talk crap about you when youre not around. They will throw stones at your business when they live inside a glass house. Jealousy is a slow form of cancer, instead of getting envious , get inspired. We all started the same, from the same streets, same hood, same education opportunities, cut from the same cloth. The difference between you and I is this : I am better than average. Mediocre sucks. I want my life and my familys life to have had a positive impact while we are here. Whenever you talk about ambition, there are always some people who will look upon you disapprovingly and say, “There’s more to life than…” Why do people do that? And am I the only one who wants to stare disapprovingly back at them? Is there anything wrong with wanting to get ahead in business and life? And who says that ambition-realized is at the expense of something else? Ambition to be successful in business / career for many people leads them to make sacrifices that has a negative impact on their social life. I have been guilty of that and it took me some time to fully understand how my ambitions hurt me. Sometimes I dont get out as much, big deal, but when I do I live it up 100%. There are those that set goals, get motivated, stay disciplined, and work through the difficulties to delay gratification and realize success. These people (and you know who you are) follow a formula that works for them. Then there are others that truly struggle to realize who they really are or what makes them happy. They flounder and bounce around, reacting to life instead of proactively making things happen. Ambition is a biological function, which makes it an oddity when people debate it. Your heart has an ambition to beat. Your neurons have an ambition to connect. Your lungs have an ambition to inhale. How is it that modeling basic biological functions and replicating them in the exterior world a bad thing? Remember in order “to see the light” the eye must have an ambition to collect photons. In spanish we say Hay gente para todo. I also truly refuse to believe that GOD put us here on earth to be ordinary. People are envious of those that *know what they want* I think ambition is fantastic, and there’s nothing more frustrating then watching people you care about underachieve. That said, I still believe we have to learn to be satisfied with the now, while still pushing ourselves to become bigger and better people. For example, I always wanted to make more money so that I could travel and control my time. Then I realized, I didn’t have to be rich to do that. I just started investing my time in learning skills that would allow me to work independently. I went to college and got a degree in the medical field which I will NEVER USE. Being ambitious can open up doors that can lead to a very exciting life... Just saying. I think people assume that you can either work your butt off or you can spend time with family. But, it doesn’t have to be one or the other and each individual should, for the sake of their own happiness, find a balance that works for THEM (not anyone else). Ambition is almost always, at the root, a striving to create our perfect desired life. For some people that may mean sitting on a pile of money all by themselves on their private island. For others, that might mean raising a family. Neither is wrong or right, they’re just different. It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. Dreams = Ambition with a v8 engine. Best advice - stay far away from mental midgets and emotional vampires.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 23:43:57 +0000

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