Some thoughts on Obamas recognition of the Castro brothers as the - TopicsExpress


Some thoughts on Obamas recognition of the Castro brothers as the legitimate government of Cuba: 1. Castros rise to power was greatly aided by the American media which portrayed him as an agrarian reformer and not a Communist. 2. Even when he started mass executions shortly after taking power, the media whitewashed his actions and swept them under the rug, never informing the American people about what was going on. 3. Rather than intervening and removing the SOB, the U.S. embarked on a plan to organize and fund Cuban exiles to invade Cuba. 4. This was a poor plan to begin with. However, during the course of the invasion, John Kennedy pulled air support out, leaving the pro-freedom ground forces without air cover and guaranteeing defeat. 5. Khruschev decided to install nuclear missiles in Cuba. 6. In the Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy faced down the Soviets with a quarantine around Cuba. Khruschev backed down but Kennedy agreed the U. S. would not support a military solution to Communism in Cuba in the future. 7. Since then, the American government has arrested and prosecuted Cubans in the U.S. who attempt to gather arms and try to overthrow Castro. 8. Much of the brain power and most of the entrepreneurs of Cuba were executed, imprisoned, or fled the island. 9. The people remaining there have lived with constant spying on one another, denunciations, rationing, and controls. 10. The threat of arrest, torture, and imprisonment is constant against anyone who speaks up about anything. 11. There are no free elections, and people cannot vote their way out of the dictatorship. They do not have access to arms to overthrow the dictatorship. And Cubans in the U.S. cannot help them overthrow Castro without being arrested by OUR government. 12. The Cuban model of Communism has never worked economically. But their rigid Communist ideology and love of power over others have prevented the Castro brothers from instituting even the most obvious reforms. 13. For the past 55 years, the government has been kept afloat by the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and aid and subsidies from the EU and others. The island produces little. At one time, sugar was helpful but there is little now. It is a bankrupt, corrupt regime that stays in power only by the barrel of the gun. Western, nominally capitalist countries like UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc. have been there for years, dealing with Castro and aiding him. No democratic changes have occurred. 14. The Cubans are well aware of the mistakes that led to the fall of the Soviet Union and Communist governments in Eastern Europe. They fully understand that even modest reforms will lead to their collapse. 15. So the people suffer, while the elite stays in power. 16. Nothing Obama is doing will change that. In fact, the idea is to give Castro more credibility, credits, aid, and sustenance at a time when economic collapse could be imminent. 17. What the sanctions have done is say to the world that we in the United States recognize this regime as evil and repressive and that we will not participate in aiding it. 18) The real beneficiaries of Obamas action will be two-fold: a) prop up the Communist regime even further and b) provide a windfall for the Wall Street tycoons who will undoubtedly come forward to trade with Cuba at the expense of the U. S. taxpayer. In other words, they will get subsidies, bailouts, and tax credits for engaging the Castro regime. Remember, every dollar that goes there has to be converted to pesos by the Castro brothers at their rate of exchange and then used as the Castro brothers see fit. It doesnt get to the people but to party and military elite thugs who run the country.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:50:18 +0000

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