Somebody, you have been through a lot of fire, but I want you to - TopicsExpress


Somebody, you have been through a lot of fire, but I want you to know that before they set you aside, God had already set you aside for Himself in the beginning. Before they rejected you, God had already accepted you. You can never put down what God has picked up The stone which the builders rejected is the same one which has become the chief cornerstone. God has a way of astounding your enemies. They remove you, but God puts you back. They kill you but God resurrects and multiplies you. They stop your wells, but God makes new wells, new room for you. They kill your children, but God gives you new ones. They feed you to the Lions, but God changes them into your pillow and makes those same adversaries breakfast for the same lions. They sell you into slavery, and God makes you the King over them. They ask you Who made you Ruler over us , and God says I DID and sends the same you to deliver them; they will see you again. They call you little boy, but God uses you to slay giants and makes you greatest army general of all time. Aha! They call you barren but God makes you fruitful and gives you a prince and prophet to rule over them. They mock your name - because it means greatness - but God confirms it and makes you a father of nations. They say you will never become anything in your childhood, but God later uses you to teach them the theory of relativity. They call you the son of a carpenter, but God says This is My Favorite Son. They put you in jail but God sends His angels to free you and the next day they find you preaching at the same place they arrested you from. A viper bites you and they call you a sinner, but God stops its venom, you shake it off, and the same people start to consider you as a god. I am speaking to someone who has the promise, but the battles seem endless. God has a way of compensating you. YOU ARE ABOUT TO COME OUT MUCH BIGGER THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE. When God is on your side, it does not matter who is against you: you will win! What you need to do is remember the promise God gave you, and remind Him of it. Do not lose your focus. When God has made you His anointed, it does not matter who fights you, because He will be there to deliver you, for He says, They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail, and Whosoever gathers against you shall fall for your sake. When you are the chosen of the Lord, He will fight your battles all by Himself. Satan will hire men against you. This is why the Bible says of Jesus when they wanted to make Him king, but Jesus committed Himself to no man, for HE KNEW WHAT WAS IN MAN, for the same people who were praising him were the same ones who soon said, crucify him! You focus on God and on where He is taking you. I want to speak to someone who has taken on so much battle from the enemy. God has sent me to tell you that: 1. He is laughing at your enemies and will cut them off. 2. Prepare yourself to rise and shine. 3. He is sending kings to serve you with their substance. 4. He will bring your enemies to bow down and lick the dust of your feet. 5. He will make your life excellent and beautiful. 6. You are about to receive new glory and shine like the sun. and, 7. He will give you the nations of the world for your inheritance. 8. The Word which He gave you shall come to pass, only be patient. HEY, I DECLARE YOUR COMEBACK WILL BE GREATER THAN YOUR SETBACK! RECEIVE IT IN JESUS NAME!!!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:28:42 +0000

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