Something a lot of people dont know about me.... Im an - TopicsExpress


Something a lot of people dont know about me.... Im an introvert... I do very well when surrounded by a small group of close friends or one on one, but I dont function well in large groups or with strangers. As an introvert I dont rely on an awful lot that lays outside of my immediate realm, I am at my strongest within the boundaries I set. To further complicate matters Im an introvert who has had the experience of profound grief. Needless to say my head is a very interesting place to live these days. Being an introvert AND having come through a devastating emotional loss can make for a very dangerous combination. You lose fear, which can be a good thing. You become internally invincible when your ever working mind realizes that it has survived a pain beyond pain and no matter what losses you may have to face in the future NOTHING will ever be that bad again. That realization is very freeing. Even the difficult choices become easy when you realize that what ever it is you have to lose is nothing in comparison with the losses you have faced. Life is easier now than it has ever been before in that regard. There was a time in my life when I would cling to a bad situation (or relationship) in fear that I would never have anything like it again. That has since been replaced with a new attitude. This one reads more along the lines of I CAN drop things from my life because they will be replaced with something equal or even sometimes times better than I had. Life hands you lemons? Screw making lemonade!!! Throw the whole mess into the garbage can, open the fridge and crack open a bottle of champagne. Celebrate getting through the rough times and toast whats to be...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 17:04:07 +0000

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