Something to think about ... Question - If there really is a - TopicsExpress


Something to think about ... Question - If there really is a God and he is so good, why does he allow evil and for us to hurt others? It is only natural to ask this question whenever we are faced with another senseless act of evil like a plane hijacking or a murderer not getting justice here on earth. However, what I think we often fail to recognize is that in order to recognize evil, we must also be able to recognize what is GOOD...meaning that at some level all of us are born with some basis of moral right and wrong which means that there is an existence of a moral lawgiver. We were made in Gods I think it is fairly easy to have faith that God does exist ( I realize I didnt give any proof but the fact that you are reading this should be proof enough as you are one of the many miracles he created) NOW, to the second piece....why does he allow evil? And why doesnt he stop evil from happening? Well the answer to that (which most do not want to hear ) I think is because God gave us the capacity to make CHOICES...he gave us FREE WILL. EVERY one of us is capable of making choices that hurt others..we ALL do evil things....sure, we may not bomb the World Trade Center or run into a school and kill innocent children but we say hurtful things with our words, we ignore the millions of hungry people and think it is someone elses problem. and countless of other evil things.....God could have eliminated ALL evil from the world from the beginning...but that would make us all puppets without the freedom to make any choices. Imagine how trapped you would feel if you were never able to make a choice...that you lacked free will.....what would you say about God then? But the thing is that God doesnt want us to be puppets...he wants us to live freely..he wants us to have a relationship with him...he wants us to LOVE him and others....Love is NOT genuine when you are forced to do something...think about arranged that really how you want to choose your spouse?....and remember that God came to Earth in human form to sacrifice his Son who endured unimaginable pain and suffering on the cross so that we could be forgiven of our sins and come into a relationship with him. So God knows pain, he knows evil, he knows suffering...he lived it.... So Yes, I believe God can stop an evil person. But because God is FAIR, if he took away HIS free will to make that decision, he would also have to take away OUR own free will as well. While we all arent murderers, we all do hurt others with our selfish actions and choices. And to God, sin is sin. The bible tell us that we ALL sin and fall short of the Glory of God...EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US! So if you really want God to remove evil from the world and our ability to hurt others, NONE of us would be here. BUT, in Heaven, Gods will is carried out perfectly. There will come a day when there are no more tears, no more pain, no more suffering (the Bible tell us this too). That is why we pray, Thy will be done on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN The problem is for most of us, we cant see past this world (because we are proof driven beings- if we cant see it, we cant believe it) all we do is focus on this life and get caught up in the evil of the world. Trust me, I get that this is hard.....if it were easy, we wouldnt have all the pain and suffering in this world and there would be no need for people like me to take a step out of our comfort zones and spread the Good news. For me, it wasnt until I started actually reading the Bible and talking to God on a daily basis that these fundamental truths have started to sink in and slowly day by day, my heart is changing......this was MY decision...I did it by making a choice and asking for Gods help....for asking his Spirit to come and live inside of me. Even as I type this, it still sounds crazy to me, but if you know anything about me I think you know that I am trustworthy and I am telling you that God changes lives....but YOU have to make that decision to do it. God will never force you to...and once you truly understand what that means, you will WANT to tell others....imagine what our world could be like if everyone would take that leap of faith.....but we know that all wont and that is why it is even more important for you to do it now.. why? that you have someone to help you while you are still here on Earth and that you can be ASSURED that someday there will be a better life CS Lewis said :There are far far greater things ahead than those that we leave behind........please...think about it
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 14:32:30 +0000

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