Something to think about ... ‘beginning of the beast’ - TopicsExpress


Something to think about ... ‘beginning of the beast’ Revelation 13:1 “And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.” Iran’s FM: Boosting Cooperation among ECO Members Helps Regional Development Fars News [Iranian] – November 26, 2013 Quotes: Earlier today, the presidency in the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Council of Foreign Ministers was passed to Iran from the Republic of Azerbaijan. [Iranian Foreign Minister] Zarif pointed to the start of Iran’s rotating presidency over ECO, and said, “We hope that Iran can move towards strengthening ECO during this one year that it is the president of this organization. ECO is an intergovernmental regional organization established in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey for the purpose of promoting economic, technical and cultural cooperation among the member states. In 1992, the Organization was expanded to include seven new members, namely: the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Republic of Uzbekistan. Caspian Sea Russia & 10 nations of the ECO click to enlarge Now, I don’t jump to conclusions but when several clues present themselves at the same time, it’s too much to ignore. 1. According to verse 24, the final empire will plot for a “time”. Coincidently, a “time” is used in Daniel 12 to represent “one year”. It just so happens that Iran became the rotating president of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) for one year, exactly two days after the agreement in verse 23 was signed! 2. The first beast, in Revelation 13, comes out of a sea. Well, together with Russia, the ECO completely surrounds the Caspian Sea (map), where Iran and Russia have been holding increased military exercises. 3. The ECO was founded with 3 members and 7 more were added (7-years later) for a total of 10. That number has not changed in over 20 years. I don’t claim to have everything figured out but the first beast in Revelation 13 definitely has “10” parts with “7” embedded within, just like the ECO. As I said, I don’t jump to conclusions because I’ve been watching the ECO for quite some time. I was not certain because all the nations are not Shiite but when Iran became the leader, exactly two days after the agreement in verse 23 was signed, then it has to mean something. In a post-rapture scenario, not being Shiite won’t matter because the kingdom will turn to the beast anyway. Also, one year expires in the fall of 2014, which happens to be the middle of the 70th seven. More about this ‘time’ at the end of verse 24, below. *This is an actual quote from the “preface” (p. 4) of an ECO Charter, written Feb, 28, 2011 (pdf file) [*the link is gone now but this was it] Saudi Arabia’s connection: Timeline from: Daniel to Final Empire click to enlarge - page #’s in red Complete Timelines on Homepage Next Page: ‘Peace Talks’ to the ‘Abomination’ (Daniel 11: 27-31) Previous Page: The Final Empire Begins - ‘Rise of the Shiites’ (Daniel 11: 21-22) done Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt now declared terrorists Herald Sun [Australian] – December 26, 2013 The chalice that helped make possible the Iran nuclear deal L A Times – November 30, 2013 Quote: In gesture of goodwill that helped lead to talks, the U.S. presented a gift to Iran: a silver chalice in the shape of a griffin that is thought to be an antiquity looted from an Iranian cave. It features three trumpet-shaped cups that sprout from the body of a griffin, a fabled creature that typically has the head and wings of a bird and the body of a lion. The Most Noticeable Sign Before Rapture Daniel 11: 25-26 With a large army he will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South. The king of the South will wage war with a large and very powerful army, but he will not be able to stand because of the plots devised against him. (26) Those who eat from the kings provisions will try to destroy him; his army will be swept away, and many will fall in battle. One reason this verse is significant is that the North and South are distinguished for the first time since verse 17, when the Ottomans took Egypt and united the Middle East, in the 16th century. The sectarian violence that is occuring now has not been seen for centuries so it matches the North/South reference. Besides the verses happening in order, there are three basic clues to help identify the above attack: 1. taunting by North (Shiites); 2. treason in South (Sunni); 3. South is defeated. I could argue that two of the three conditions have already been met, but since verse 24 is unclear, I think the situation will intensify. 1. “stir up his strength and courage against the South” (Taunting) Already started. Press TV is the official news source of Iran (in English anyway) and it seems that they have come out with a bold campaign to promote their idea of Shia Islam against Wahabism, Saudi Arabia’s strict brand of Sunni Islam. Here are two examples (right) In my opinion, it came as a result of the Volgograd bombings, in Russia, which were allegedly linked to Prince Bandar from Saudi Arabia. A leak was reported by an independent news source (Consortium) that he threatened Putin’s Olympics if Russia continued to support the Shiites. Since the Olympics concluded, Prince Bandar has been replaced by his uncle (who could be worse) but it seems that the language has subsided for now. Saudi digging own grave with its Middle East policies Press TV [Iranian] – January 5, 2014 Quotes: Are Saudi officials well aware that when the root of terror, violence and instability is sought, most fingers are pointed at Riyadh? It is shameful for Saudi Arabia to be labeled as the main supporter of terrorism in the region because it is the birthplace of Islam whose messenger promoted unity among Muslims and clemency towards others. The House of Saud’s strategic alliance with Wahhabists stems from the fact that the Wahhabis only recognize their own rigid-minded interpretation of Islam and excommunicate others. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is anxious that under the aegis of Iran’s strength in the region, the Iranian’s interpretation of Islam, born out of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, will eclipse the Saudi Puritanism. If Saudi Arabia invests the billions of dollars it supplies to terrorist groups every year in poor Muslim countries, its image will improve in the region. In a seemingly ‘prophetic’ turn of events, starting with the Arab Spring of 2011, the Muslim Brotherhood has emerged in the “South” with a vendetta against their own country (Egypt) and other Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia for backing the military against them, making a treasonous plot very plausible. Saudi Arabia, another enemy of Iran since 1979, supported the removal of Morsi because they hate the Muslim Brotherhood. They made a vow to the Egyptian military to make up for any financial losses from the United States. (right) The Gulf states, which include Saudi Arabia, banded together, last year, with Egypt, in their common hatred towards the Muslim Brotherhood, even accusing them of an “international plot”. (right) Wahabi-Zionist onslaught on humanity Press TV [Iranian] – January 30, 2014 Quote: The powerful military wings of Wahabism i.e. al-Qaeda and Talban were created and funded to bring about bigger political changes in the Muslim World. Saudi Arabia and her shameful ideology has been working as a tool for the enemies of Islam and humanity. Whether it is Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan or Yemen, the Saudi grown wild animals have been butchering Shia Muslims, killing innocent children and women in the name of Islam. Most of the Muslims who were badly confused by this Saudi version of hardcore ideology, especially Sunnis, are now becoming more and more aware of the true black face of Saudi regime, her decades long propaganda against different Islamic sects mainly the Shia Islam which is a sign of demise and downfall of Wahabi propaganda. Iran and North Korea: The Nuclear Axis of Resistance Daily Beast – January 31, 2014 Quote: Olli Heinonen, a former deputy at the International Atomic Energy Agency, said there has always been speculation about Iran-North Korea nuclear development. But he said proof has been very difficult to come by. Caspian Sea & 10 nations of the ECO coming true, slowly but surely click to enlarge Timeline of Daniel 11 and the Seals from Revelation page 11 page 12 page 13 Finally, “with only a few people he will rise to power.” I think this refers to modern day circumstances (post WWI and WWII) because the Middle East was divided into nations by the British Mandate (verse 20). Prior to that, everything in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, and Turkey was controlled by the Ottomans (verses 15-19). With the division of nations and the discovery of oil in the region, the next empire cannot forcefully take Mesopotamia (Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon) without serious repercussions from the entire World. Thus, the “final empire” must use diplomacy, rather than brute force, to unite the others. (*very different from the Ottomans or previous empires in the Middle East) “achieve what neither his fathers nor his forefathers did.” After the ‘invasion’ is over, the Shiites will achieve something that “neither their fathers nor forefathers did”. However, that could just be the fact that the Shiites have never controlled all of Mesopotamia (although they have tried). Their two best chances were the Fatimids (verse 7) and the Safavids (verse 14). The Fatimids controlled Egypt and Palestine but could never take Mesopotamia from the Abbasids. The Safavids (modern ancestors of Iran- 1500’s) controlled Persia but could never take and hold Mesopotamia from the Ottomans. Is third time the charm? lol Whatever happens, God will be in control and all we can do is ‘watch’ (hind-sight is 20/20). 2. “those who eat the kings provisions will try to destroy him” (treason) Background & Explanation; (Egypt) Mohamed Morsi accused of passing state secrets to Iran Associated Press (Guardian) – February 23, 2014 Quotes: The prosecution accused Morsi and 35 other Brotherhood members of conspiring to destabilize the country and cooperating with foreign militant groups – including Palestinian Hamas and Lebanons Hezbollah. The cases chief prosecutor, Tamer el-Firgani, said Morsi, his aides, and senior Brotherhood members had handed over secrets to foreign countries, among them national defense secrets, and handed over a number of security reports to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in order to destabilize the countrys security and stability. Morsi started off his time in office with repeated tirades against Iran over its support to Syrian President Bashar Assad, but soon warmed up to the Islamic Republic, allowing its tourists to come to Egypt for the first time in decades and founding a four-nation contact group on the Syrian war that included Iran. Now, Mohamed Morsi and 35 Muslim Brotherhood members are being accused of passing secrets to Iran. If true, it would essentially fulfil one part of verse 26 (treason), because the verse only says that someone will “try to destroy him”. Prophesy fulfilled? (‘secrets’ passed already?) Iran’s complaint: Of course, Iran condemned the military coup of Morsi as undemocratic because the Muslim Brotherhood was taking steps to improve relations with Iran, such as direct flights, but they had to be canceled because of complaints. No one can say when an attack will take place, except the ones doing the attacking, and God. I expect the rhetoric to increase between Iran and Saudi Arabia, after the ‘provinces’ are settled from verse 24. Whenever the attack occurs, it will bring “peace talks” to the Middle East. (Sunni-Shiite) Is an attack getting closer? To show the seriousness of the situation, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries pulled their ambassadors from Qatar because of their support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Gulf States pull ambassadors from Qatar over foreign policy rift Aljazeera America – March 5, 2014 Quotes: Saudi Arabia and the UAE are fuming especially over Qatars support for the Muslim Brotherhood, a movement whose political ideology challenges the principle of dynastic rule, and by its playing host to its spiritual leader Yusuf Qaradawi. This article gives some of the history behind Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Muslim Brotherhood. Saudi Arabia designates Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group Reuters – March 7, 2014 What Will Come of the Saudi-Qatari Feud? Fars News [Iranian] – March 20, 2014 Quote: Over a century ago, British rule opposed the Saudi demand of annexing Qatar. … Riyadh still considers Qatar as a separatist region and the ruling al-Thani dynasty as subjects who dared to rebel against the Saudi crown. However, Doha did not settle for just being known as a news hub, it sought to own a political organization with regional and international affiliations. … Hence, Qatar took over the Muslim Brotherhood. Prophesy Fulfilled. I think this part of verse 23 has already been satisfied because Iran has successfully united all the Shiite nations in the North. On the contrary, the Sunnis remain very divided, which makes a treasonous act (required by verse 26 below) very plausible. (More on that below.) The Saudi-Turkey cold war for Sunni hegemony Al-Monitor – April 1, 2014 Quote: Iran differs in that, as a result of the worsening situation in Iraq, it is now in complete control of the political Shiite sphere. This is a feat that none of its opponents can claim to have achieved, for neither Turkey nor Saudi Arabia nor an Islamist movement has been able to fully dominate the Sunni scene. The current Saudi-Turkish conflict is reminiscent of past relations between the Saudi kingdom and the Ottoman Empire. The conflict today, however, is not between Wahhabism and Sufism, but between Islamic Wahhabism and Islamic democracy. Saudi Arabias role as the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques makes it a necessity that its religious rhetoric emerge the victor in the battle of ideas in the Muslim world. Syrian Strife Isnt a Civil War - Its a Regional, Religious War al-Monitor (independent) – April 22, 2013 Quote: We are talking about a powerful Sunni-Shiite confrontation that is being played out on Syrian soil, in which almost all Muslim parties are involved whether they like it or not. It is a 1,300-year-old conflict that lay dormant for hundreds of years under the Ottoman-Sunni Empire, and over the last hundred years under the region’s new nationalism—a nationalism that is emerging as an artificial phenomenon. 85 percent of Muslims are Sunnis and only 15 percent are Shiites. In the last decade, due to the fall of the Sunnis in Iraq, Shiite power was on the rise and they tried to redefine the Middle East. Now the Sunnis have returned and are demanding to be re-instated in their natural place. In this great rupture, two sides are readying themselves for the great confrontation that still lies in wait. On the Sunni side are: Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Kurds (who may actually receive Sunni backing for their approaching independent state), and all the Arab nations in the Persian Gulf. On the other side stand the Shiites: Iran, the new Iraq, Syria (the Alawites who control Syria are viewed as an extension of the Shiites) and Hezbollah. America Verse 22 Verses. 5-19 *Verse 25? Verses 23-24 British Mandate Verse 20 Ottomans Verses 15-19 The traditional “North” from Daniel 11 (north of Euphrates River or Mesopotamia) 3. South “wages war” but gets defeated because of “plots devised against him”. Eventually, the South will attack, most likely from Saudi Arabia or Egypt, which should be distinguishable from the current fighting. Actually, a “great confrontation” has been predicted, since last year, in this Sunni article. Therefore, the idea is very plausible. Notice how their summary of important events in the Middle East follows Daniel 11, exactly, and they don’t even know it. “None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.” (Dan. 12:10b) Hatred between Egypt and Iran dates back to 1979, when Egypt gave asylum to the deposed Shah and later buried him with honors. Egypt also signed a peace treaty with Israel in the same year. In turn, Iran named a street after the assassin who killed Anwar Sadat. Honsi Mubarak succeeded Sadat as president and honored the peace treaty with Israel. Did you know: In 2013, on the first anniversary of Morsi’s presidency, popular uprisings started again so the Egyptian military took the opportunity to remove Morsi, as they did Mubarak. However, Morsi had many more supporters than Mubarak because the Muslim Brotherhood is old and well organised. That led to more protests, bombings, and the eventual declaration of the MB as a terrorist organization. Quote: “The formation of ECO reminds one of the region’s medieval history when all these contiguous states formed part of the Empire of Amir Timur (1336-1405).” Note: Timur was not Muslim and ruled before Iran became Shiite. He was known for his exceptional brutality. [vs. 14] IN SISSIS EGYPT, SALAFIS ARE SAUDI PAWNS Daily Sabah [Turkey] – May 30, 2014 Quote: The political acumen of the initial Saudi rulers and the religious zeal of Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab and his followers gave each other the required strength, and they set out to conquer and establish the Saudi familys rule in the Arabian Peninsula. However, this put them at odds with the Ottoman Caliphate, which defeated them twice and destroyed the initial two Saudi states that were formed. Many people who visited and studied in Saudi Arabia were influenced by Salafi thought and later they took the teachings to other parts of the world. However, it was the oil boom, which benefited both the Saudi dynasty and also the clerics aligned with them to spread Salafism. Saudi Arabias open support for Sissis slaughter of hundreds of protesters and its inability to do anything meaningful to help the Syrians facing Bashar Assads brutal onslaught have come as a blow to the political Salafi movement. A growing number of people inside Saudi Arabia and in other Arab countries in the peninsula question the viability of Salfism in todays regional setting. The post-coup Cairo is sinking into a new wave of political viciousness and violation of human rights with bizarre mass trials and mindless death sentences given to hundreds of people. Egypts judiciary is being ridiculed everywhere. This article is from an obvious supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood but it explains the relationship between Wahhabism and Salafism. Basically, Sheikh Wahab was a Salafist before he started his own following and paired with the Saud family for power in Arabia. The main point is that the Shiites are united and the Sunnis are deeply divided over religion. The Muslim Brotherhood adheres to Sufism, which allows for modern interpretations from today’s Islamic scholars. (according to article) Muslim Brotherhood fires back at both: Egypt and Saudi Arabia Select Language▼ One significant turn (caused by ISIS) was the ‘call to arms’ by Shiite clerics in Iraq, which only increased the sectarian overtones for the entire region. Iraqi Shiite Cleric Issues Call to Arms Against Sunni Militants Globe and Mail – June 13, 2014 Quotes: In its language and tone, Ayatollah Sistani’s statement portrayed it as a religious and patriotic act to volunteer either for the Iraqi Army or for a Shiite militia, two forces that are becoming difficult to distinguish. Historical Significance: Baghdad vs. Mosul In a nut shell, I’m convinced that the current activity in Iraq, involving the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), is the beginning of verse 24, not just because of current events but because of Biblical history, also. Even though this battle, between ISIS and the Shiites, only involves a few “provinces”, it is shaping up to be the prime indicator of who holds power in Iraq (the heart of ancient Mesopotamia). That’s why this battle was important enough to be mentioned in God’s Book of Truth (Daniel 11). ISIS bids for global jihad leadership with Mosul attack Al-Monitor [free media USA] – June 11, 2014 Quotes: Mosul represents a much bigger prize, an ancient city with great symbolic value. ISIS is effectively creating a stronghold across the Syrian desert in the heart of the Arab world, erasing the borders set a century ago by the British and French after the fall of the Ottomans. For Baghdadi [current ISIS leader], it is an audacious move to outshine his mentor [Zarqawi, founder of ISIS]. “When the richest provinces feel secure, he will invade them” Posted: 6-18-2014 click to enlarge Something to think about ancient past connected to end times in Middle Eastern prophecy Daniel 11 Explained (condensed ‘one page’ commentary) *with links to other pages Re-organized: 9-23-2014 Prophecy being fulfilled: On August 7, 2014, the Iraqi air force bombed ISIS, in Mosul, which kicked off an air campaign by the United States to recover a dam in northern Iraq. Along the same time, Russia signed a new arms deal with Iraq for over $1 billion, pointing out that their Middle Eastern policy has stayed consistent, as opposed to the United States, who has flipped sides. Yet, flipping sides at this time is consistent with verse 22, when the “prince of the covenant” was “destroyed”. As such, the United States has not only removed themselves as a threat to Iran, the ‘root’ of the final empire (see verse 21), they are once again helping to eliminate their enemy. On the weekend of August 30, 2014, Shia militias, with American air cover, scored a significant victory by breaking a siege by ISIS on the Iraqi city of Amerli. It was significant because it was the first time that American warplanes worked with Iranian backed militias on a common goal, even though both sides downplayed the significance of the other. On September 10, 2014, Obama made a ‘war-like’ declaration towards ISIS but stressed a coalition of Sunni nations to downplay the secular tension and avoid looking like crusaders. The air campaign intensified on September 22, 2014, with shelling inside Syria. Yet, the only ground troops capable of securing recovered cities in Syria are the Shiites. For example, a major branch of the moderate opposition, Ahrar al-Sham, had most of their leadership killed in one mysterious bomb, just days before Obama’s speech. The Free Syrian Army, near their prime, had their warehouses raided by more ruthless jihadists so they are not a real threat to Assad at this time. ISIS News (verse 24 below) updated 11-25-2014 New: Daniel 11 Explained (condensed ‘one page’ commentary) ‘Matthew 24’ Explained (must match Revelation) The ‘Seals’ Explained (Revelation’s timeline revealed) On June 10, 2014, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) captured Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq, and became the “richest” terrorist group in the world. They are richer than many small countries because they sell captured oil back to Syria and surrounding countries, in addition to the estimated $425 million taken from Mosul banks. They may only possess a few “provinces” but they are extremely significant because the leader, al-Baghdadi, has proclaimed himself ‘Caliph’ of a new ‘Islamic State’, putting himself above Islamic leaders from other countries. The timing of ISIS’s takeover of Mosul coincided with Iraq’s election process, which gained them cooperation from many Sunni in Iraq. In fact, Sunni commanders and troops in Iraq’s army refused to fight ISIS and quit. The Iraqi government had to replace many positions with Shiite volunteers, which took some time to train. Naturally, the more time that went by without a Shiite offensive, the more “secure” ISIS got. The leader even led Friday prayers at a prominent mosque, in Mosul, on July 4th, 2014, to show how secure he was. When the Shiites get organized enough to mount an “invasion” to take back their territory, especially Mosul (see below), the situation will match Daniel 11 perfectly. Updated: 9-23-2014 Iraq premier says no foreign troops Associated Press – September 17, 2014 Quotes: Al-Abadi stressed that he sees no need for other nations to send troops to help fight the Islamic State. Not only is it not necessary, he said, We dont want them. We wont allow them. Full stop. Al-Abadi said that excluding Damascus and Tehran was counterproductive. Al-Abadi added that Iraq is caught in the middle of “a disagreement between the international allies … on Iraqi land. For me, that is catastrophic.” As for Iraq, the new prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, has made it clear that he has a say in who fights on Iraqi soil, not the Americans. The Americans stress that 5 Sunni nations ‘helped’ in the air campaign but when it comes to victory on the ground, I expect the Shiites to claim the spoils of war. In keeping with verse 24, they will distribute “plunder” and “wealth” amongst their followers (ISIS has a lot to plunder). The fight against the Islamic State must include Iran Washington Post (Fareed Zarkaria) – September 25, 2014 Quotes: The United States has some influence with the Iraqi government, but Iran has far more. Vali Nasr, a leading scholar of Iran, told me that if the United States “wants to limit its micromanagement of the Middle East, it will have to find countries that are stable, influential and effective with which it can work. And potentially, Iran is one of those countries.” But, as Rouhani made clear, all of this waits on the nuclear deal. It seems that Rouhani is wisely holding his main ground troops as bait in the nuclear negotiations. (more on that in next section) *Fareed Zarkaria is a well-known columnist and weekly host on CNN. can’t wait A ‘quick’ explanation of “Rapture” in the Bible click to enlarge Quick explanation of rapture and tribulation from Revelation *For news on ECO and Caspian Sea: see ‘post-rapture’ section: “Kingdom of the Beast” (re-organized & updated 10-5-2014) updated: 10-13-2014 Meaning of the ‘Blood Moons’ Updated: 11-25-2014 P5+1 Talks Exposing Post-Tribulationist Deceptions Important to know Updated: 8-31-2014 Turkey News: Updated 10-20-2014 Now, Iran and Russia has established a joint military headquarters in Baghdad!! This is huge news because this is the “iron and clay”, visibly uniting military resources and cooperation in the heart of Mesopotamia, just north of ancient Babylon. If you read my complete commentary, you probably know that Mesopotamia is critical to the ‘North’ and thus the final empire, which starts out Iran and Russia. Therefore, everything is happening as the Bible says (if you know the right players from the Book of Daniel). Iran, Russia create joint operations headquarters to fight IS Trend [Azerbaijan] – October 23, 2014 Quote: “Over 60 military experts from Russia and Iran created a joint operations headquarters in the Al Rasheed Hotel in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad,” an Iraqi source reported. The P5+1 talks did not reach a final agreement like I had hoped but they were extended, not dissolved. The next round will be with ‘technical experts’ to see if new ideas can be implemented. The urgency on both sides to achieve a deal before the American Senate changes remains intact. Plus, new evidence is showing that Iran is taking a more active role in Iraq, even without a final agreement. All we can do is wait and see what happens next. Personal note: I’m pretty sure Iran will lead the Shiites to victory over ISIS at some point, at least drive them out of Mosul, which will be a symbolic victory, as noted above. Of course, it’s a lot easier to say ‘what’ will happen than ‘how’ or ‘when’, especially when going by a 2500-year-old ‘outline’ (Daniel 11). Yet, the outline gives the best signs leading to the ‘abomination that causes desolation’ so we just have to watch. Personally, I remain flexible because I’m trying to follow God; not the other way around. Iran nuclear talks extended seven months after failing to meet deadline Reuters [UK] – November 24, 2014 Quote: British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said there was a clear target to reach a headline agreement of substance within the next three months and talks would resume in December, … noting that during the extension period, Tehran will be able to continue to access around $700 million per month in sanctions relief under an interim agreement reached a year ago. Whats Wrong With This Picture? For U.S. Fight Against ISIS, Everything Huffington Post – November 23, 2014 Quote: But months before the U.S. showed that it was willing to invest heavily in the region again, Iran decided the rise of ISIS gave it the chance to stop being coy about its control of the Iraqi government. The Iranian influence has only grown more visible now that the U.S. is embroiled in Iraq again. Control of the critical Interior Ministry was awarded last month to a representative of the Badr militia, one of the top Iranian proxies in Iraq. The picture above shows Badrs leader, Hadi al-Amiri, chuckling with General Qassem Suleimani, the commander of Irans internationally oriented paramilitary Quds Force. The publication of the photograph is a signal from Iran of just how powerful it is in Iraq, a high-ranking U.S. official said. Iran is embracing the Iraqi government and the Shiite militias. Iran, P5+1 make progress in nuclear talks: German FM Press TV [Iran] – November 24, 2014 Quote: German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier says, “The ideas have the capacity to bridge several differences that are still there. But because there are technical details, we have to say that the new ideas must be tested by experts,” UA-32512179-1
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 21:03:16 +0000

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