Something we should all know about & follow through! I DID & - TopicsExpress


Something we should all know about & follow through! I DID & WILL! Impeachment of the President of the United States is a very rare occurrence. The most recent impeachment was on December 19, 1998 when Bill Clinton was impeached on perjury and obstruction of justice charges which stemmed from Clinton’s involvement with Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones. The Constitution states that the President of the United States, or any government official, may be impeached for several reasons, including abuse of authority, bribery, perjury of oath, or even a failure to supervise. Any impeachment of the President will come from the House of Representatives. It only takes one member of the House to formally suggest that the President is impeached to begin the process. Impeachment of the President is similar to charging them with a crime. It’s important to remember that it does not mean they will immediately be removed from office. In order for a President to be removed from office, two-thirds of the Senate must vote for his conviction. In the case of Bill Clinton, only half of the Senators voted for a conviction on the obstruction charge, which was seventeen short of the 67 necessary. How you can help impeach the President You must rely on your representative from the House to begin the impeachment process, and the most effective way to get their attention is to write a letter or call their office. You can find your representative’s contact information by visiting and entering your zip code. Once the impeachment process begins, your role as a citizen is not over. You then must notify your Senators to tell them that you want the President convicted. You can find our Senators’ contact information by visiting and choosing the state you live in. Remember, do not be shy about contacting your representatives in Congress! They get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to represent you and it’s your civic duty to let them know how you feel. For convenience, here is a form letter you can print out, sign, and send to your representative. The more letters that flood Washington, the harder it will be to ignore. Do your part and share this with your friends, family, and like-minded citizens. Congress(wo)man LASTNAME, My name is NAME and I am a registered voter from your district. I am writing to you today to ask that you please begin the impeachment process for the President. The President is guilty of the crimes necessary to have him removed from office, and I’m confident that your impeachment will lead to a conviction in the Senate. Thank you for your time and consideration, NAME ADDRESS
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 21:19:12 +0000

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