Sometimes, my impulses are just too strong. and sometimes, the - TopicsExpress


Sometimes, my impulses are just too strong. and sometimes, the things my impulses do make me feel better on the inside. Ive been having a really crappy last few days. Someone said some really, really hurtful stuff about me. Stuff I dont know if I could ever share with all of you. It has affected my entire mood, it has affected the way I interact with my children, mostly my daughter. I havent been in the right state of mind to care for her the way I normally would. I havent been wanting to nurse her as normal, when she asks to nurse I shut down and turn away from her. The things that were said about me hurt me to the point that I wanted my own precious baby girl to give me space. That should never happen. Someones words should never have that power over you. I reached out for some support, and got an overwhelming amount of it. Im trying to free my mind of the hurtful words and the negative thoughts and emotions that have taken over me these last few days, Im taking it day by day, nursing session by nursing session. Im stronger than that. Im too strong to let words cut me this deep. I know better, I do better, and I share that with the world. I am a real person, on here and in my everyday life. I let ALL of you into that, into what is real life, by me. I dont pretend to be anything Im not. You get to see it all, the good, the bad, the ugly, the pretty, the beautiful, the everything. everything that is my life, you get to see. Im real, not fake. I dont want people to think I live some fantasy life and everything is perfect, I want you to know Im a real person, and you arent alone in this thing called life. No marriage is perfect, so dont think mine is. No parent is perfect, so dont think I am. No house is perfect, so dont think mine is. We arent rich in money, but were rich in love and thats all we need at the end of the day, and the end of our lives. LOVE. I share my life with you to let you know you arent alone in your struggles. I share them too, and so do so many other people. Life isnt hollywood, people. Its real. When Im up to it, I may elaborate more. Until then, do you. Dont worry about anyone else, just worry about you, and your GOD (or whatever, if any, power you believe in), and your family (both by blood and by friendship).
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 18:22:20 +0000

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