Sometimes we have to allow ourselves to be thrown into the deep - TopicsExpress


Sometimes we have to allow ourselves to be thrown into the deep end, even when we dont know what may be on the other side. Sink, struggle, swim or float; the choice is ours. Life will present its challenges, tumbles and falls and we can choose to either become part of it and be completely immersed by it or pause patiently within the storm whilst it dances around us, playing with it and reshaping it as we wish. We can be just as the passionate artist is in his studio with his palette of paints, swirling around the paintbrush of life, blending all the colours together, creating different tones, textures and layers. This is easier said than done, but from personal experience even though it can be extremely hard at times, there lays a choice within to be able to flow, create possibility with what IS and patiently see and lovingly approach the gift within the experience rather than remain in a state of resistance. Saying this, Ive recognised how important it is to fully allow the grieving process or release to take place and flow through if needed, without holding onto any attachment, even though it may take some time. It is these tears which fall that are the ones which will liberate and elevate us, painting with the brushstrokes of freedom. When we allow ourselves to see that we can shift our perception and detach from identifying with the challenge, we then see that we are not the challenge itself and therefore can never be defined by anything which may be happening around us or anything which is done to us and said to us. We are being moulded; life will do that and sometimes it has an incredibly funny way of doing it.. even with a sense of humour at times. Maybe we can even try laughing With our perceived difficulties and become friends with them and as a result things will begin to shift more rapidly than ever imaginable. The longer we stay within the vibration of that which no longer serves us and the longer we take to simply let go, the longer we are delaying our freedom and therefore the freedom of all. Our path is to be cherished, with every single bumpy up and down along the way. If everything were handed to us on a plate and we werent tested every once in a while, temporarily residing with our shadows, we would have no contrast to our joy, no darkness to highlight the birth and beauty of a smile and no rain to take hands with the sunshine and create that rainbow which gazes down upon us. Without the scars we wouldnt have the same opportunity to see the world anew. And all scars are beautiful. The scars which remain seen, equally as the unseen. All around us there are scars, within the very breath of nature which surrounds us, yet we become ashamed and begin to cover our own scars rather than celebrate them and using them as a catalyst to create change within our world and inspire others to do the same along their paths. In fact, our very first scar, the one right at the centre of our stomachs is something which is usually celebrated from the moment we are born. Arent we beautiful creatures.... who deserve only Love, joy, peace and Truth. We are born perfect, whole and complete and that is exactly what we are. Love can only be this way. Please take a moment with me to reflect on the miraculous journey you have undertaken simply to be here right Now.. Alive, breathing and without even a choice in the matter.. simply gifted by the breath of life Itself. So... If this isnt magic, if this isnt beauty, if this isnt to be celebrated within a life so short which just wants to be lived... And that isnt what we are doing and sharing, then we must question What are we doing? And Why are we doing? And How are we doing? And then How will we make changes as a result of the inner reflection which has taken place? You may feel at times that you are laying on a raft of wood which survived a storm in the middle of the ocean, feeling completely alone.. Stranded, panicked, or even feeling like giving into nothingness... But please rest assured and I say this with All Of My Heart.. that You are never alone in this universe, in this world, on this path. We are together, we are not separate and we have all the tools within to create all we wish and unite with others and share our gifts. We are blessed with everything we will ever truly need to survive right here within us. And the nothingness, it can be turned around.. As it is within this nothingness that we can begin the adventure into discovering everything. This is only a journey we can choose to depart on ourselves. It is a choice to fully break free from all the illusion which surrounds us. But we can and we will. Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible. We can create consciously and take ownership of this opportunity. Rather than life happening to us, we place ourselves in a position of choosing to happen to life and with life as a great and loyal companion. There is a world around us which needs healing, love and care and often those which are the hardest to love are the ones who need it the most. It takes just one step.. And Im right there with you doing exactly the same. Dream big and take action. I begin and continue with you also. Baby steps at first, yet equally just as powerful, for when the baby falls, it always gets up for its next attempt without fail, hesitation or self doubt. The baby grows, the baby Knows, because the baby is closest to the Truth and the baby remains one of our truest teachers rather than the other way it may be portrayed. When I previously fell into darkness for some time the greatest action and impact I had in One day would sometimes simply just be passing by a stranger in the street and giving heartfelt eye contact, feeling the connection of two humans coming together.. And with time I began to realise that these small actions are not to be underestimated.. It is the attention to the smaller details which builds and shapes a more conscious and world- changing You whilst spreading further Love into the world. Place awareness on the smaller actions and habits, reflect as often as possible and growth will occur before you even have a chance to grasp it. And that is exactly the point.. There is no grasping to be done, simply a letting go to let all unravel, to take its place and allow nature its magnificent course of existence. All we have to do is breathe, show up with love, compassion, kindness, take time to be silent and be still, unite and give with all of our hearts. And the only thing that will occur is an unseen path of magic opening up before our very eyes.... See the person next to you and remember that they too have veins, blood, arteries, hopes, wishes and dreams just as you do. All have their own Heroes Journey, and their own story to tell. It is what we do with our story which counts. Choose to either become absorbed by it and held back by it or to create something Out Of This World with it... And then watch all of the smiles light up as a result of it. The power is within you.. The energy is within you... Tap in and allow. Intention. Courage. Strength.. You have it inside right Now. Namaste. One Love. Xx
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:54:58 +0000

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