Sooooo.... For many, its about time I give an update on how our - TopicsExpress


Sooooo.... For many, its about time I give an update on how our 3mnths back in Australia went and how mums doing. Ava and I have been back in Seattle now for 2 weeks. Home was great - and all things that go with that. Though mum is in bed a lot and has awful side-effects to deal with from the chemo, shes still kicking, and wont go down without a fight! It was a tough juggling act taking care of Ava and helping out as much as possible with Mum & Dad... as was living under the same roof as them (hahaha...) but the time was nice. The last week I was there I had to let go of certain things that I just couldnt undertake and get done. I feel like we made a massive dent.. but theres always more to do. We closed down their family business after owning/running it for 15 years - now mum and dad can slow down and just enjoy each others company. There are a few health issues that need to be tended to.. but thats standard too. Slowing things are getting sorted through at the house (a whole shed was loaded with stuff)... lots of donations made to the local church, or simply thrown out, in preparation for mum and dad to eventually down-size. They love seeing the grandkids and still host weekly sleep-overs with Avas cousin. Ava had an amazing time at Kindergarten and made new friends both there and at the local gymnastics centre.. and well stay in touch with a few of them for sure... and hope to see them again soon! The weather was, as it always is, perfect! I got a few runs in.. through the Aussie bush.. my happy place.. and theres something so refreshing about seeing blue skies daily. I barely saw friends as things were just so busy.. but those I did see, are the best I could ask. Nothing every changes over time and with distance.. so for that I am forever grateful! I missed Jarrah terribly and even cried over Skype seeing him.. but such is puppy love! ;) I have had so many licks since coming back! While home I was able to attend a few things that meant so much to me - a wedding (of a little girl who I used to baby sit), a 1st birthday party (to a miracle bub for sure!), and Ava and I had a few adventures with her uncle & auntie.. and they make me laugh like no one else can. I had a few inquiries for photography jobs whilst there.. and though I declined them at the time, is exciting because it means I do have a following there (good for when we are able to move back)! ;) And Ive said it before, but Ill say it again.. I am so thankful for R+F as I was able to work just as easily (when time on my end permitted) from there, as I can here... and even whilst playing on the white sand beaches of Rottnest Island, I made a paycheck (thank-god for residual income)! Its hard to fathom we were there for a quarter of a year.. on my end time flew and its so easy to settle into life back in Perth. Flying standby internationally with a 4yr old in tow and 6 pieces of luggage was interesting.. but we make it an adventure and all came together. Thankful for friends who are pilots who can help get us passes.. and allow us to pay a couple thousand.. not the $6K that it would have been. Not that mum isnt worth every penny! ;) I guess thats things in a nutshell - and Im sure Im forgetting a lot. There were laughs, there were tears.. There was definitely sleep deprivation.. haha.. and lots of ice coffees! I am planning on making a blog with some images of mums journey... Just need to sit down and sort through them. Oh, we made it there for Christmas.. which also meant New Years, my god-childs birthday, Dads birthday, Mum and Dads 38th wedding anniversary,.. a friends 4th birthday.. so we celebrated plenty too! With that - theres tea to make, alkaline water to do, separate meals to cook to account for preferences and special diets, meds to stay on top of, etc.. so its not all a party! ;) Alright, I will end here.. but thanks to all who keep asking about mum, thanks to all who keep sending through messages of encouragement, thanks to all who are so patient with us through these times, thanks to all for positive thoughts and strength, thanks to all for being there... always! And being back here now means my tan is fading... Thankful too for R+F tanning lotion (that doesnt make me look like a pumpkin)!!! Love to all of you xxx
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:19:43 +0000

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