Sorry for the long post . After a long few days travelling and - TopicsExpress


Sorry for the long post . After a long few days travelling and competing Im absolutely exhausted. On tge journey home I noticed how my body was responding to the pressures. It was so odd and unexpected. SO i get in car and decide naturally Im hungry and my little girl wanted food after a long day watching the show. So we find the closest services and I agree to king. I order a whopper ... Take note havent had any form of burger in well over a year lol. Then I have a sprite was sooooo refreshing BUT again I dont normally drink fizzy drinks. On way out I grab a hot chocolate with cream to warm me up before I take a nap in car. By this point my body is having everything it doesnt normally have. So i should be getting a response and oh boy did I. My belly is completely full and Actually aching my abs look like they are going to burst. I ignore the ache and drift off only to be woken by agonising pain in my feet!! My feet were cramping up to the point I had no control over when the one foot was sorted the other foot would start omg it was horrible. I finally get home and have a few swigs of water. By this point my throat felt like i had a ball in it :( I couldnt swallow it hurt to yawn and even drink water. I try and eat before bed but hurt quite a bit. Then to top it off i go out my kitchen to grab something only to lose my balance and knock my hip bone on my breakfast bar! Went down like a sack of shit the bruise will soon show when my tan fades. SO lesson learned here and I always say it so silly me really listen to your body I knew I shouldnt have had all that sugar and filled foods but I did anyway. Today I started with pumpkinseed protein granola and toped up my vitc &multivits with some hydration :). I am having a cheat day with my granola and a meal tonight back to it tomorrow. Clean eating and training is my lifestyle and my norm and will i keep on going. Who knows one day ill be stood on olympia or Arnold stage :) #Ukbfffinals #cleaneating #health#fitness.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 10:39:13 +0000

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