Sorry that we havent updated in awhile it has been - TopicsExpress


Sorry that we havent updated in awhile it has been hectic. Updates: We are on day 18 of our 28 day induction phase! More than halfway through the first phase means that we are one phase closer to being in remission! (hopefully) We got our second spinal tap done Monday and Im not going to sugar coat and say we had a good time, because we just didnt. Carter couldnt eat anything after midnight, and woke up at 4 with an appetite that could literally be suppressed by nothing except for probably eating a horse. In general the procedure went well, but we had a lot of crying and screaming from 4am until he got to eat (closer to 1pm). Carter qualified for the early start program at the elementary school and will be starting on the 21st! Hes super excited and so are we. Carter has been eating everything in sight lately and has gained a bunch of weight because of it. He has these cheeks that just make you want to squeeze them and dont even get me started on his tummy. We are all loving seeing him with some weight on him and are exceptionally happy that he isnt nauseated! Carter has been receiving really great care packages from some pretty amazing people, and when hes feeling up for it we will be posting pictures of him with the contents! Also, have you noticed? We are to 81% of our goal! I still cant believe that we have gotten that far. So thank you, and not just for those of you that donated, for everyone that has shared our page, liked a status, and kept him in your thoughts and prayers. It means the world to all of us. Good night! gofundme/CAM1103
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 03:35:45 +0000

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