Sorry we havent updated in a while Sawyer received the DLI and - TopicsExpress


Sorry we havent updated in a while Sawyer received the DLI and for the most part has been doing pretty well. We assume he has some minor graft vs host in his Colon but nothing has broken out in his skin at all. Right before the DLI they drew his blood to check his Chimerisms again. It showed his T-Cells went up but the remainder of the numbers remained the same. Obviously we want his overall number to go up but in some cases the T-Cells go up and the overall number follows. Yesterday we went to our first clinic visit in a few days and learned that his platelets were extremely low (2,000, I believe low is considered anything under 150,000). We had to retest him because they didnt think the results were accurate. We rushed over to Childrens Hospital from the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and got a Platelet transfusion as well as GCSF to try and get his ANC level up as well. Today Cheryl went to SCCA again to recheck him and his Platelet count was at 1,000, so it somehow went down again. This could possibly be a good sign (Ill leave the doctor jargon out of here trying to explain it....ill just say it COULD be a good sign) So we are hoping and praying its a good thing. Having low platelets his arms got bruises just from getting his blood pressure checked. For those that didnt pay attention in you go He is getting another platelet transfusion today. We were actually able to spend christmas with our families out of the hospital which was wonderful.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:43:46 +0000

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