Sounds Of Steam, Steampunk for Simpletons: The Book! January 27th, - TopicsExpress


Sounds Of Steam, Steampunk for Simpletons: The Book! January 27th, 2014 Once upon a time, two radio co-hosts presented a very tongue-in-cheek topic on an episode of the show Sounds of Steam. It was called “Steampunk for Simpletons”. Then they decided, “Hey, why don’t we compile all of this information, not to mention other resources, into a book, so folks can access it easily?” Of course, we know you aren’t a simpleton - not any more than you are an “idiot” or a “dummy”. However, we love alliteration (it is our second favorite thing in the world; first is cats), so please bear with us and know we are not insulting you. In all seriousness, we took the question we get asked most (“What is steampunk?”), added a dash of examples we often use to illustrate the concept, and sprinkled it liberally with community. We hope this recipe is filling enough to sate your hunger for knowledge, but still leaves room for dessert. We do not claim to be “The One And Only True Authorities on Steampunk”. Goodness, no! As you will see in this book, nothing as eclectic as steampunk could have authorities. What we do claim to be, however, is passionate about this aesthetic and the community that has sprung up around it. This is fun, gosh darn it, and we want you to come in and have fun with us! Music by artists we mention in the book, so listen in and get a huge sneak peek on what is coming your way in March! https://facebook/events/439973816132130
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 22:35:34 +0000

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