Spain needs 108,000 nurses to reach Europe The number of nurses - TopicsExpress


Spain needs 108,000 nurses to reach Europe The number of nurses is one of the lowest in Europe There are already 5,000 professionals who have left Spain to work in other countries In the past four years , 20,000 nurses have lost their jobs German companies are hiring nurses to practice as auxiliary In the past four years , 20,000 nurses have lost their jobs in Spain . While not the only sector affected by the crisis, a cut in the number of these professionals can have serious consequences on the health of citizens . Longer are 5,000 nurses who are working in other countries because of unemployment. This figure further undermines the scarce resources of the staff in our country , which is the tail of Europe in number of nurses per capita . I agree that in a time of crisis we must balance our budgets , but the question is how. During times of economic crisis is not the time to reduce human resources. My advice is that the number of nurses is maintained because the crisis will pass , and when that time comes, will be needed . and then it is very difficult to recover those who have gone to work in another country and has manifested clear Judith Shamian , president of the International Council of Nurses, the more representative of these professionals worldwide . In a press conference , this expert with Máximo González Jurado, President of the General Nursing Council , noted the importance of the role that nurses to provide quality health care system and the agreement that was reached with the Ministry of Health , last July, to regulate and manage human resources and clinical management in the Spanish health . The agreement signed between the Government , the Board of Nursing and SATSE agreement is a revolution for nursing , said Shamian clearly , however , when asked more about this issue and the move this message Tuesday to the Minister Health , Ana Mato, acknowledges that I will give congratulations but I hope that there is . Because the situation of this group differs greatly from one community to another . If the average of the European Union is 759 nurses per 100,000 population , that figure drops to 527 when speaking in general terms of Spain . But we must go further. The only community that is above the European average Navarra , with 833 per 100,000. However , that Andalusia has only 375. Thus can not speak of the principle of equity . And that has consequences. An example is the first community in complaints against nurses is Andalusia . seems logical to say that where there are fewer nurses the risk is higher , says González . And he points out what is happening in Times of Crisis in the last four years, for every lost medical, have lost seven nursing positions . As for the deficit and its impact on the health of citizens , the president of the General Nursing Council , said that most problems are not noticing because the ethical commitment of nurses is brutal . We have such a high degree of qualification and commitment that supplies the numerical deficiency. Our nurses are leaving in their work life . Also, if the lack is important in public health , it is even more in private healthcare . Certain private hospitals are abusing the crisis . And that has serious consequences , different studies show that for every patient over nurse assigned to a 14% risk of death is increased. Despite the lack of resources and the reduction of wages , especially in private schools , Gonzalez notes that not many nurses who would probably manifest because they are afraid of losing their jobs . Keep in mind that almost 70 % of nurses in the public system are not tenured . There are 20,000 nurses unemployed , the law of supply and demand is very clear . Moreover, it is not the only group that did not has reacted to the crisis and instability , who has done in this country? he says. Perhaps the growing unemployment and job insecurity in our country, more and more offers coming from other countries. However, Maximo Gonzalez , has issued a warning : More and more German companies coming to Spain making offers our nurses Las are deceiving , because in Germany do not work as nurses but as auxiliary So easy to be competitive . . because they are subsidizing the social services system with professional high preparation at low cost. m all for the free movement of professionals, but for dignity. UK, more and more , and Nordic countries have recruited Spanish professionals, but Germany is something else. seems unsustainable me degradation. Finally , to address the crisis that the country is going , and in particular the health system, such as methane González Shamian emphasize the need for structural reforms. The system is medicalized . Change is needed . The solution is not to reduce human resources. By taking no action , says Shamian , in Europe there will be a shortage of 600,000 nurses by 2020. If a solution is sought , there will be problems.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:52:10 +0000

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