Special updates…… An Exposition on the book of Esther chapter - TopicsExpress


Special updates…… An Exposition on the book of Esther chapter one and two BEAUTY TREATMENT (ESTHER 1,2) It quite odd to see a stranger rule in a foreign land; everywhere people desire someone from their midst to be at the helm of affairs and not even a well known outsider talk less a slave. God is not limited by the nativity or background of whoever he wants to enthrone, but he is limited by the amount of influence he has on such a one. Daniel 4/17 says ….. THE MOST HIGH RULE IN THE KINGDOM OF MEN, GIVES TO WHOEVER HE WILL… ESTHER’S ENTHRONEMENT King Ahasuerus “made a feast unto all his servants; the power of Persia and media, the nobles and princes of the province being before him. Esther 1: 3. The story about Esther enthronement started with king Ahasuerus’ feast, a feast Esther knew nothing about. When God wants to enthrone anyone, He starts with processes which, such a person know nothing about or never could imagine concern him. That’s why our walk with God is of faith and not of facts. God works beyond all that we can see, feel or reason, don’t base your walk with God on these. Beyond all your wisdom can detect for you. God is working out your enthronement. A lot of happenings that you could never imagine concerns you, are taking place for your sake. Just like the famine in the land of Egypt prepare Joseph’s throne, likewise something is happening somewhere for your enthronement. Hallelujah. The kind of trouble God wanted to cause in the kingdom with the feast didn’t come therefore, “… The king made a (another) feast unto all the people that were present in shushan the palace…”vs5. The first feast didn’t fulfill the purpose of God, and I believed, if the desired result wasn’t achieved during the second feast, we would have had also read about the third, fourth and so on. Nothing has fulfilled its purpose unless that things work together for good to those that loved the lord and are called according to His purpose. Nothing had worked unless it’s working for your upliftment and enthronement. God has a good purpose for you in everything that is happening around you. Our problem is trying to know how but that should be God’s concerned not ours. God’s ways of doing things are far beyond our reasoning. It will take God more time to explain to us what he is doing than the whole process of doing it because His ways of doing things are far beyond our reasoning. God had concluded the arrangement for Mary’s conception even before an angel announced it to her. Yes, God had concluded everything needed for your upliftment even before He announces it to your hearing. Before He gives us a promise, He had concluded plans to bring His word to pass. Mary knew no man who could help God fulfill his promise but that did not hinder anything, rather, it made her testimony more interesting. Yes, those things that disqualify you are just there to make your testimony more interesting. Hallelujah. The king ordered that vashti the Queen be brought to show the people and the princes her beauty,’ for she was fair to look on’. God catches the crafty in their craftiness, for Vashti to be demoted, something about her weakness has to be exploited, and therefore she was called to show herself, an opportunity for her pride to wail up. Sin makes everyone susceptible to fall. Blessed are those whose transgressions are covered. ‘But the Queen Vashti refused to come at the king’s command by his chamberlain therefore was the king very wroth, and his anger burned in him…’vs 12. Whenever God wants to promote any man, HE exposes such a one’s righteousness and whenever He wants to demote such a one’s weakness. Every weakness is a tendency to fall while righteousness is a tendency to rise. Vashti’s beauty qualifies her for the throne but her pride disqualifies her from the throne. Godly character keeps one in the height God had placed such a one. Don’t pray to just climb high but to remain high when taken high. The wise men asked: ‘what shall we do unto Queen Vashti according to law because she hath not performed the commandment of the king Ahasuerus by the Chamberlain’ and the wisest answer was…”that Vashti come no more before the king Ahasuerus and let the king give her royal estate unto another that is better than she” vs 19. ‘And the saying pleased the king and the princes…’vs 21 . Whenever God wants to enthrone anyone, He makes it the wisest thing to be done by those concerned. That Pharaoh made Joseph the prime minister was the wisest thing he did for the Egyptians during the famine period. Yes, your enthronement will be the wisest thing that the will be done by those concerned. Somewhere, someplace, someone is seeking to put on you that crown of favor the Lord had promised you. Just be patient, THE SEARCH HAS BEGUN. HOLINESS: THE QUALIFICATION So it came to pass, when the kings commandment and his decrees was heard, and when many maidens were gathered together unto Shushan the palace, to the custody of Hegai; that Esther was brought also unto the kings house, to the custody of Hegai, keeper of the women’ chapter 2vs8. God is not perturbed by the amount of hands that are raised for a single kind of blessing. To deal with the problem of many maiden that came to be enthroned, a beauty treatment was conducted for all the maidens. God’s blessings are not just for all that will desire it but those that will pass His holiness test. God disciplines us first before blessing us and how best we respond to His discipline prepares us for a greater height. Job was the greatest man in his time, because he was the most righteous then. God’s blessings are directly proportional to our godly character. Each evil character we overcome increases God’s blessings on us. Esther responded best to the beauty treatment conducted in the kingdom and she was enthroned, if you respond to the discipline of the Holy Spirit, you will be enthroned in life. Before God blesses you with a royal estate, He first treats you with a beauty treatment. ALL OF GOD’S BLESSINGS ARE ONLY FO THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, YES, THE MOST RIGHTEOUS. NB:- the beauty treatment is not a beautiful process. It’s called beauty treatment because the result makes you beautiful (Holy) and fit for God’s blessings. Pastor Promise Ikpe Help me link up others to this page by sharing it, you’ll be evangelizing when you do. God bless you.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 08:24:06 +0000

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