Spiritual Exercise of the Week Write It Down So often people - TopicsExpress


Spiritual Exercise of the Week Write It Down So often people who fail say, I simply cannot deal with my life. Everything is wrong. I cant get over this problem. When youre feeling very upset and down on the world, when you feel at odds with people, when you dont have the confidence you want, sit down and write an initiate report. In the first paragraph or two, write whats bothering you. Try to do this in the first or second sentence if you can condense it that much. Say This is whats troubling me. I cant handle it. Then keep writing the details. Put in some of the experiences that have happened that support the situation. You might write, Im having this problem with somebody at work, and here are some of the things this person has done to me. As youre writing the details, after about five, ten, or fifteen minutes, youre going to find something is lifting from you. The problem wont be as heavy as it was before. If those feelings come back again in a day or a week or a month, sit down again and write. This is your self-discipline. This is one of the steps to self-mastery: learning how to have the discipline to very directly face whats causing you trouble. Everyone comes into this life with a debt. In some situations, theres a karmic cause that goes way back. Some things you have to live with, like poor eyesight. But other things you dont have to live with. When youre working with the Mahanta, he can go back beyond birth. If you give these problems over to the Mahanta in an initiate report, in your dream state he can begin unwinding the past karma. No one else can do that for you. Sri Harold Klemp The Spiritual Exercises of ECK
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 18:55:24 +0000

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