Stag party. My god, what a day of fun and laughter we had - TopicsExpress


Stag party. My god, what a day of fun and laughter we had today. Eight of us involved in the days partaking of a stag party with a difference. First to the plate, batter up, and the Mama puts up the challenge for Brian, (the groom), to eat a homemade Kiwi biscuit the size of a dinner plate. Cant remember if the time frame was to eat it in half an hour or an hour. Either way he did good, (with a bit of helpful encouragement in the nibbling department). First base - a great meal at the Nibbly Pig Cafe over in Woodville. Second time Ive been there, and definitely going again. The food is made on site and so yummy. Thanks to Reinhardt, family and staff. Cheerz. Second base - Daytona Raceway - hell yeah, me and the Mama well do it again. The last time I got in a kart was when there was on race track on Railway Road. Jesus thats a long time ago. Man we had fun, hits and misses, spinouts, pile ups, hitting the tyre walls, sliding sideways around the corners, laughing at each other as wed pass one another. Poor Mama got rearended by one of the boys. TJs kart mounted Chriss, but I had missed that silly sight. My god it was so much fun. Third base - Out to Himitangi - Paaaaaiiiinnnnttttbaaaaalllll - yeaaaaa - something Ive never done before, but Ill do it again. Got a couple of good marks on my back from TJ, but not as painful as some of the stories Ive heard. Mama got hit two or three times, but she got some good ones in. She got a headshot on me, and hit a couple of the boys with a couple of neat shots. So dont be messin with the Mama when shes got a gun instead of a frying pan In her hand. Somebody got me in the hand, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time, I got one in the lower back that winded me a bit, but left no marks. Exhausted and sweaty after that fun packed game. Fourth base - bbq out at Colins place in Himitangi. A couple of apple ciders, some gut rot, Mama and I being entertained by the circus acts of our boys when they get together, all followed by the main meal. This rounded the day off totally. Thanks Colin for the bang up bbq youve put on for everyone that was there. Instead of this being the kind of adventures that parents tell their children about, this is the kind of stuff parents get to do with their children. Mama and I are going to add these to our collection of forever memories, and these are the sort of adventures our children are going to experience with their own children along their way in life. This is something Ill never forget. Thank you Richard, Chris, TJ, Matt, Jarryd, for all being a part of today. Thank you Brian, for bringing this day together, in celebration of your wedding in just a weeks time. Without all you boys doing your bit in bringing todays fun filled action, it would have been just another day in my life. Not today guys, this is a special day for all of us, and if today was anything to go by, Ill guarantee theres going to be more to come. And I cant leave out my Poosarn and Bradman. Two of my boys who were absent from the days activities. Bless this family I helped create, bless those who stand by them. You all take care of your loved ones, may your angels watch over you. Love you all.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 10:02:43 +0000

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