Start of another day, we all get up, a newspaper in hand to look - TopicsExpress


Start of another day, we all get up, a newspaper in hand to look for some great news, News channels switched on - just to see someone delivering his pedantic harangue, open our facebook jubilantly to see the wellbeing of our friends and all of a sudden, we see gruesome pics of a 6 year old boy being hit on the face with rods while saving his sister from being raped by her own step-father, we see someone posting a pic of a cancer or a disease struck child or animals being slaughtered and what not. In nutshell, what we see in the morning these days is just a picture of gruesome crimes being committed in our own society, the pictures that no rational, sensible and humane human-being would like to see. Puts us all on a question, is killing a woman to death by stone-pelting is what our society still facing? Is our respect for women just a good set of words put across on paper as poems or pros with only literary meaning but not translated into reality? Lets be resolute to the fact that we wont like to see this in the society and pray to God, please have mercy on earth and give everyone a right to live ... theyre all your creations, put them to a respectable end and not like nirbhya or any other life for that matter. https://youtube/watch?v=GZE2Yi2gE7M
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 03:56:59 +0000

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