Still playing catch up guys Day 4: I am thankful for my Son, - TopicsExpress


Still playing catch up guys Day 4: I am thankful for my Son, Payton Lee Turner. I will never forget the day I held my baby boy for the first time. He is my first child and the feeling of holding a child, your child, for the first time is the most overwhelming and amazing feeling in all the universe. When my eyes and his eyes met for the first time I knew at that moment my life would never be meaningless again because every moment that had led up to that moment had brought me to that moment and that moment made everything worth it. He is so handsome, so bright, stubborn, and always keeps me on my toes. He challenges me to think more, to try harder, to reach deeper. He is my Son and even though we dont spend every day together every day that we do spend together I am thankful for. He is an amazing child and it is a privilege to be his Mom and watch him grow. I will never understand how God chooses come of us to parent such sweet innocent little souls. I have always felt so unworthy and undeserving of all my children, but when they look at me the way they do and wrap their little arms around me and tell me they love me the way they do I feel so unconditionally loved and it reminds me of Gods love for all of us. I believe God gives us these beautiful little beings to remind us of His love for us and it is our responsibility to love them back in that same way, to love them unconditionally, so they too can love others in that same way. I love you Payton Lee Turner thank you for giving me this love.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 16:06:22 +0000

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