Straight Talk about Computer Repair The question I get asked the - TopicsExpress


Straight Talk about Computer Repair The question I get asked the most when there is trouble with a computer is, “Is it worth repairing?” The answer to this question isn’t that straight forward. There are several factors to consider. 1) If we’re talking just money, I usually will figure the cost of replacement Vs cost of repair. If the cost of repair is half or more of the replacement cost, then replace. The question then is, are you going to replace with a cheaper computer or upgrade to a later model with all the wiz-bangs. In other words, what are you comparing the repair cost to? 2) Many times, the repair is based on whether I can save the information on the hard drive. Many computer crashes are not the fault of the hard drive or the information on it. Many times the fault is with the CPU, memory or the GPU (Graphic Processor Unit). In this case, the information can, most times be saved. In this case, the “worth saving” depends on how important the information is to you. That is why you hear “BACK IT UP!” If the problem is the hard drive, most often information cannot be saved and if it can, it will be very expensive to recover. 3) There may be more, but this covers those most asked. I have had times when a person will bring me a computer that is from the DOS era of computing. My answer to this one is of course, it is not worth it.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:48:35 +0000

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