Strangely Wrapped Gift Introduction Wouldn’t you hate to - TopicsExpress


Strangely Wrapped Gift Introduction Wouldn’t you hate to miss out on an incredible gift because it came to you wrapped in an unexpected package? We serve a God who often sends His children strangely wrapped gifts. If you have asked God for something great, the answer may not come in the way you expected. Connection Questions Review the events of Joseph’s life. How do they illustrate the idea of strangely wrapped gifts? Can you think of a time in your life when something that appeared to be bad actually worked out for good? Pastor uses the illustration of the son who rejected the sports car that he had asked his father to give him because it came in a package he didn’t like. How does this story show the importance of trusting God? “Maturity is saying, ‘God, I trust you even when I don’t understand you. When I don’t know anything and don’t have any explanation for anything, my faith is still in You.’” Why is it so hard to trust God through difficult times? What can you do to increase your trust? What difficulties did Paul face during his life? Review Romans 8:28. How is Paul’s attitude toward difficult times an encouragement to us today? Conclusion God wants to fill your life with good gifts. Often those gifts come in strange wrapping and, if we aren’t careful, we could reject the very gift we had been praying for or that you need to get you to the next level. It’s important to remember that it’s not always about God giving you what you want; sometimes it’s about God preparing you to be able to handle it. When your situation isn’t what you expected or what you wanted, stand firm in your faith, trust in God’s love and know that God will cause everything to work together for your good. Connection Point Genesis 50:20 (NIV): “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Share this:
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 05:41:34 +0000

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