Strike a pose: give your hips and hamstrings some TLC with - TopicsExpress


Strike a pose: give your hips and hamstrings some TLC with Triangle pose, or Trikonasana. The rest of your body will thank you too. Description: 1. Stand with your feet a comfortable distance apart in Wide-leg Stance. 2. Turn the left foot out 90 degrees to point towards the front of your mat. 3. Ensure the left heel is in line with the middle of the right foot and your hips remain open to the side of your mat. 4. Inhale and raise both arms up to shoulder height. 5. Reach to the left with your left hand, as if you are reaching for something on a shelf, without leaning forward. 6. Lower your left hand down to your shin, ankle or the floor. Check that your feet, hips and shoulders are all in line with each other. 7. Bring your right arm vertical with your palm facing forward and shoulders relaxed. 8. Turn your head to look up at your right fingertips. 9. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute. 10. To come out, engage your leg and abdominal muscles and imagine your right arm is pulling your torso upright to return to Wide-leg Stance. Benefits: - Strengthens core muscles, thighs, knees and ankles. - Stretches, hips, groin muscles, hamstrings, chest and shoulders. - Improves balance and aids concentration. Modifications for Beginners: - Practice pose against a wall to ensure your feet, hips and shoulders are all in line with each other. - If turning your head is uncomfortable, keep your head and neck in a neutral position. - Place lower hand on your front shin or a block for extra support. Advanced Variations: - For a deeper abdominal stretch, reach your top arm towards the front of the mat, over your top ear and parallel to the floor. Be Careful: - If you have lower back, knee or hip inflammation, you may want to avoid this pose.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 00:39:52 +0000

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